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May 29 , 1969 Mr . Harold Sheats Co~ty ~ttorney Legal Department 504 Courthouse Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Reference: Adamsville Health/Recre tion Center Dear Mr . She ts: Thank you for your letter of M y· 27, 1969 concerning severe vandalism to the H alth Clinic building at .. damsville • . u e , of course , would like very much to acquire the He 1th C nter and use it in conjunction with the ecre tion Center at this location . As understand it , the City Attorney ' s office ould like to discuss with you the City ' s position relative to ownership of this p roperty. Thus , I am sending a carbon of this rep ly and a rox of yours to Mr . Thomas F. Choyce, Associ te City Attorney . our position, o:f course , is th t the City OW'ns art of this pro rty--and we ·would like to acquire th other p rt. Ju•t s soon as my superiors hav r ch d d ci ion in this matt r, I ill let you know. Cordi lly,, Jack c. lius Gen r l Mn gar of rks nd er ation JCDtjW cc:w/ roxa MX". R. Mr. Thom rl L na r / F. Choyce P rk . Committe �