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I AARON WILL MOVE HIS FAMILY HERE Henry Aaron has revealed he will move his family to Atlanta during the playing season when the Braves transfer here in 1966. Milwaukee writers had quoted Milwaukee during the season, it Aaron as saying he would not would be 10 to maybe 11 months move his family to Atlanta be- before I'd get to see them. I am cause of possible problems of definitely not going to do that." Aaron , who talked real estate di5crimination . while here. said , "My wife and "We visited in m any of the residential sections of the city I will be back, maybe not be. . . and both my wife and I fore the start of this season, but were awfully impressed. We we will be bac k and looking. " saw some truly lovely homes down here. "IF I don 't move my family down here, I might as well join the Army or something," said Aaron. " I wouldn't get to be with them (family) either. Sure we'll move." Aaron was in town over the weekend to receive the Two Friends Award, along with Ed Mathew , from the 100 Percent Wrong Club. He made a new frier.~ with the city he will soon call home. "I'll say what I said ear Her," commented Aaron. "I said it will be hard to leave Milwaukee where all our close friends are, but I never said I wouJdn't move to Atlanta. That's just one of the many stories some writers have twisted. "IF I were to come on to Atlanta and leave my family in former World Champion EXCLUS IV E Come Early and See "J ohn n Before ti DOORS OPEN 7 :3 0 �