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SCHEDULE - Monday and Tuesday - Braves Events : Monday 6 :30 p. m. Reception - H icko ry Hill R oom - Marriott - in honor of Furman Bisher and his new book "Mirical in A tlanta" featuring Ivan Allen , Jr. p:-m. Reception given by Lockhe e d and Ga . Industry and Trade honoring out of town press - Twelve Oaks Room - Marriott 6 : 30 7 :1 5 p. m . Reception for Braves - Tara Room - Head Table Guests assemble to go to Ball Room. 8 :00 p. m. Braves Dinner - Ball Roo m . Tuesday 12:30 p . m. You and Mayor Barr to attend Kiwanas Club honoring Braves at Dinkler P laza. 1 :00 p. m . Parade assembles - George has Order of March You and Mayor Barr ride together. You can be there as late atJ 1 :20 1 :30 p. m. Parade Begins at Baker St. di penses TrinityAven. there is no official revi wing stand. 5 :30 p. m. Braves Reception in their offices at Stadium 7:15p.m. Participant in Dedication a semble at down ramp of G te K . 7:30 p. m. C remonies begin .. S skript. attach4d �