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ROOM 635 224 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60604 TELEPHONE December 22, 1964 HARRISON 7- 8435 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Atlanta Georgia Dear Mr. Allen: Thank you very much for your kind Christmas present. I shall look forward to the arrival of each issue. I also enjoyed reading through the material which you sent earlier describing some of the features of your fine city. Needless to say, we are all very excited about the prospect of playing major league baseball in Atlanta beginning April 1966, and are all terribly disappointed that we have to wait that long. I was in Atlanta about six weeks ago and was sorry to miss you. However, Sid Scarborough took excellent care of me and showed me the stadium as well as other parts of the city. Best wi shes for a happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you some time soon. Best regards, Potter Palmer WC �