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l>UNUTES DEDICATION COMMITTEE August 24, 1965 - Press Lounge, Atlanta Stadium Chairman Forio called the meeting to order at 2:45 P. M. with the following present: Members Chairman Edgar J. Forio Mrs. Ann Moses Ernie Johnson Earl Mann Lynn Westergaard Sidney Scarborough Others Dick Cecil Chairman Forio briefly explained that the 1966 Dedication Ceremony would be somewhat different from the Inauguration Ceremony held at the first game played in the stadium. The ceremony should acknowledge the various governments and many individuals who participated in making the st a dium a reality and Atlanta a major league city. It was the consensus of the group that if in the hayo r 1 s opinion the President of the United States should be i n vited to participate that such an invitation should b e e xtended by Mayor Allen. Participants in the dedi c a tion a ctivi ties should include t h e follo wing : 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mayor Allen a n d Board of Al derme n Fulton Count y Commi ssio n ers o f Roads and Revenue Govern o r Carl Sanders Members o f City of Atlanta and Fulton County Recreati o n Aut h ority Certain r e presentatives of the Atlanta Braves Certain representatives o f major league baseball The choir from Big Bethel Church of Atlanta Dr. Billy Graham Speakers would include the following but not necessarily in the order named. 1. 2. 3. Dr. Graham, Invocation President of United States Governor Carl Sanders �• Page 2 August 24, 1965 - Minutes Dedication Committee 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mayor Ivan Allen Chairman Fulton County Commissioners Chairman Arthur Montgomery Representatives of Atlanta Braves Commissioner of Baseball President of National League Opening ceremonies would require approximately 30 minutes with the following activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. Invocation National Anthem Unveiling of Dedication Plaque Speakers Mr. Opie L. Shelton was appointed Chairman of the Invitation Committee. The Braves announced that opening day would be April 12, 1966 with the decision as to whether the game will be played in the afternoon or evening to be announced later. Should there be a day game , the committee wo u ld endeavor to have the businesses of the city participate by closing at an early hour. The question of an openi n g day parade was not ful ly r e solved at thi s meeting. However, shou ld t h e r e be a par a de, Mr . Frank Fl i ng would be invited to be t h e Parad e Mar s hall. Chai r man Fo r io wi ll consult wit h Autho rity Chai rman Mont gome r y on al l matte r s di s cuss ed by the c ommit t ee so that complete c oo r d i n a t i on of all act ivi ti e s might be accomplished . Such matt e rs tc inclu d e co o peration with the Brave s; certain aut h o rity of Chamb e r o f Commerce Committees ; and c oordi nat i o n o f government al agenci e s and matters of protocal. Ther e being no fu r ther bus i ness the meet ing adj ourne d. Res pectfu lly submitt e d, f ?) j--J)\ ~ c.-,,-.-e~-7 \ Sidney Scarborough For Edgar Forio (Chairman) �