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. V 1.:.. n . , , /\ .,._ Iv; • · · ··-r " J, r ~- f -- DEPARTMEN T OF PA RKS AND RECREATION CITY HALL A NNE X l<' . E;'\ 1-:. l, . \... i'_-..,\'.:,(-.~,~ -ATLAIHA , JAC K C. D E LIU S GE NERA L MAN AGER TO: ST ANLEY T . MA R TI N , J R. ASST. GEN. MANAGER F. PI E RC E WH ITL EY .ASST. GEN. MANAGER C AR L W. RYALS , J R . SR. ADUIN. ASSIST f.N T VI RG I N I A CARM ICHAEL DIR . OF RECREA TI Ol·I Mr. Jack c. Delius General Manager of Parks Depa rtme nt FROM: RE: GEO RGIA 30303 _Virginia Ca rmichael ' Adamsville Health Center I talked with Mr. Fred Shepherd, the City Architect, on July 2. Mr. Shephe rd stated that he was extreme ly involved wi th the Model Cities program at the present time and for me to cont a c t him on Monday , July 1 4 and h e woul d maJ~e every effort to go out to said location and ma ke the necessary obse rv a tions in an effort to make some appraisal of the n eeded r epa ir s and possib ly some r e novations. I h ave b een in constant contact with Mr. Albert To nsi ll, . the Center Director , and we , of course , are vitally i nterest ed in se curing the center for additiona l room for the r ec reation program. At the present time , Mr. Tonsill and I believe · that the remodeling and repairs wi ll not amo unt to a g reat deal of money. Of course , we real i ze th at it is difficult to estimate co sts at the present going . r ate. At such time as I am ab le to have Mr . Sh epherd go out to the location, I will notify you of our findings. / 0 C �