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February 22, 1966 M r. Bill D. M oyers Special Assistant to the President The White House Washington, D . C . Dear M r. M oyers: I will be in Washington on March 7 and 8 in c onnection with my appointment to the National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education. I would appreciate it very much if you could make arrangements for me to see the P resident for, perhaps , five minutes . On April 12, the Atlanta Brave will play the P ittsburgh P irates in the ·new Atlanta Stadium, initiating major leagu baseball in the outheast. I would like to deliver a personal invitation to the Pre ident for him to be her at that time. Thi would probably be the most ppropriate nd most important time during the coming several years for the Pre ident to visit this area. I am certain that both Senator Rus ell and Talmadge and everal member of the Congressional delegation will come down that afternoon or early vening, ttend the game, and return to Washington that night. U you would like to have additional information, I would ppreciate you.r calling m • Sine rely. Ivan Allen, Jr. lAJr:am Enclo ur �