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October 4 , 1966 MEMORANDUM To : Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . From : R . Earl Landers It is our understanding that Don Slayman, head of Civil Rights department of AFL-CIO in Washington, D . C . , is wiring Dr . Martin Luthe~ King doday regarding Dr. King ' s interest in the Atlanta F iremen' s strike. It is our underst.anding that Mr. Slayman is advising Dr . K ing that these men were formerly members of an .A FL-CIO affiliated union and as such were sworn not to strike. It is our further understanding that Mr. Slayman will advise Dr. King that AFL-CIO ha a very keen intere tin the Atlanta strike. Carl Suth rland was told this morning that one of the reason numeroue fir em n pulled out of th Local # 134 and joined the new Independent Union w s b cause AFLCIO had contl'ibut d $25, 000. to NAACP. Thi , of cour could well be lot of gos.sip and should be used accordingly. REL :lp �