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STATEMENT BY IVAN ALLEN, JR. Tomorrow is At lanta's big day ... Our Braves come home officially and the whole city will want to turn out to welcome them, I'm sure. It means a lot to a team to k now they 're par t of the communi ty and Atlant a n s wi l l ce r tainly want to make the Br a v es feel the warmth of their welcome. S chool Superintenden t John Le t s on h a s said that a ll school childr en who want to attend the parade at 1:30 p.m. on Tue s d ay , may do so, wi t h permission fr om the ir parents . I u rge parent s a nd the ir c hi l dren to come o n down Peachtree and s ee the b ig show. I u rge a ll b u sinesses to l et the i r employees take a late and long lunch hour .. . so they too can come say HI ' to ou r Brave s . Let 's kick o ff ou r f i rst big l eagu e seaso n in great style and send our team into Atlanta stadium more eager than ever to start with a win for a pennant year. Remember the parade starts at Peachtree and Baker at 1:30 ... to City Hall. Let ' s make it a parade they'll talk about for the nex t hundred years. �