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.-- May 29 , 1969 Mrs . Har don M. Wade , Jr. Dsn Mother Cub Sco ut Pack No . 9 39 Post Office Bo x 408 Lyons , Georgi a 304 36 - Dear rrs . Wade: Thank you for your r e cent l ett er t o Mayor Ivan Allen , J r. regarding the visit o f yo ur Cub Scout Pack to the City of Atlanta on Monday , June , which has been forwarded to this office . The cyclorama i s open every day of the year {except <:;hristrnas Day) from the hours of 9 :00 A. M. until 5:30 P . Mw with lectures given every hour on the half hour . The first lecture is given at 9 : 30 , the next at 10:30~ and so on throughout the day , with the l ast one being given at 4 : 20 . Group rates are hal f price -- for adults this is .50¢ per person and for dlildren . 25¢ each . We are nclosing a Group Rate Permit to be sure you do receive this reduction for your group. The Atlanta zoo is also in Grant Park,, adjacent to the Cyclorama , and we hope you wi ll take these young men to vie,, the animals as we are sure they would enjoy it . Admission is free . Wishing for you and this fine group a most enjoyable visit , I m Cordially, r Jaek c . Delius Gen r l Manger of Parks and Recre tion Enclosure JCD1jw cc: Mayor Ivan All n, Jr. cycloram Lecturers / �