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JOS I-I :'.If . • R:' GlTY O • PITTSB'G MAYOR GII 1".tarch 31, ~966 Ho ... Ivan Alen, Jr. Mayor Atla, a, Georgia . Dear Ivan: In line with our rphone conversation of this morning, Mrs':' Barr and I will be taking United Flig t 1umber 4- 73 on Monday morning, April 11th, at eigh -thirty and will arrive in Atlanta a ten o vcl ock . _, I understand that you have arranged for a ccommodations for us at the Marriott =otel. We are both self-sufficien· , so please do not put yourself out . I know how busy you are wi'h the affairs of the City and the extra curricular duties connec· ed wi.th the opening of the baseball season in A-'·lanta. We have acc epted the formal invitation for the dinner on Monday evep.ing and Alice and I a;:e looking forward to the opportunity of visiting wi' h you and Mrs . Allen at that time . Our reason for arriving so early is that my wife is not a good flier and the only jet flight we can take, in order to get there in time for the dinner on Monday evening, is at 8:30 in the morning. I have made arrangements to leave there on Wednesday, April 13th at twelve noon on United Flight Jumber 384. ~ I thin..'k the advent of Major League Baseball to Atlanta and the whole southeast will be a great boon to our national pastime. I only hope that you are as strong a baseball fan as I am, as the ownership and management of the Pirates are peJsonal friends of mine . As you are perhaps aware, we are in the midst of building a new stadium in Pittsburgh for the Pirates and the Pittsburgh Steelers Football team. With kind regards to you and Mrs . Allen, and looking forward to seeing both of you on the 11th, I am Sincerely yours, \ \1 . ~

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/ _J •,,'") / / _IC.._ . Joseph M. Barr JMB : fu'1E : y /, / ~ t.~.__,_,. ~'-. �