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ATLANTA BRAVES OPENING ATLANTA STADIUM April 12, 1966 An Operat{ons Manual on the Job to be Done Prepared for The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and The Atlanta Br aves by Bell & Stanton, Inc. February 20, 1966 XERO l ~COPY XE~1 .., COPY I !""", r- -, -- XERO 1COPY �1, _ · ,.; CONTENTS OBJECTIVES •••••••••· ••• ~ ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 1 INTRODUCTION •••.•.••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 2 SUMMARY. OF RECOMMENDATIONS •••.•••••••••••••••••••• 4 DETAILED PLANS •••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 9 SEAS ON TICKET SALES •...•.•.••••••.•.••••••••••••• 10 ADVERT IS ING SUPPORT ••.•.•••••.•••.•.••••••••••••• 13 DOWNTOWN OFFICES, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, POLICE •••• 16 NATIONAL PRESS PREVIEW •.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 PERSON-TO-PERSON VISITS •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 POLITICAL GUESTS .••••.••••••• • ••.•• • .•••.•••••••• 21 CELEBRITIES AND BASEBALL LEADERS ..•••••••••••••.• 22 GAIN SUPPORT OF PRIVATE CLUBS ••.•••..•••••••••••• 23 THE MAYOR'S DINNER . • .••••••.•.•••• • •••• • •••••• • •• 24 THE OPENING DAY PARADE •••.••.•••••••••••••••••••• 2 6 NATIONAL AND LOCAL TELEVISION AND RADI0 •••• • ••••• 28 THE "AWAY" GAMES WITH METS AND CARDINALS ••••••••• 30 APPEND ICES .••.•• • .•.. • •• • . • •.• • ••• • •. • ••••• • •• • •• • I

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XERO l '\COPY - xe:~0·1 COPY XERO I COPY ,.... - -- - -- r f XERO ,.. COPY �·,,: Atlanta Braves Opening OM-1 OBJECTIVES 1. To fill Atlanta Stadium opening night, April 12. 2. To sell a maximum number of season tickets. 3. To obtain maximum interest in the Atlanta Braves -locally, statewide, regionally through the entire market area, and nationally , It is this year's biggest .baseball story. 4. Gaining momentum from all that is done, this operation is a prime generator of maximum favorable attention for Atlanta. Our major objective, then, is to pivot this e x citing baseball team and its home city on a 360 degree swing of visibility surpassing any atte ntion any city has r e c e ived in the p a st. XERO l ~OP Y XERO I COPY ~ r ~7 1 - --- XERO ., COPY XE RO COP¥ r n �' ' ; •, Atlanta Braves Opening OM-2 INTRODUCTION Atlanta and the Braves are linked together; what helps one on opening day supports the other. We have a brief period of time in which to build a strong local sense of this joint destiny. We have a brief period of .time to help the entire Atlanta metropolitan area re-capture and put on a continuing basis, the sense of active pride in the Braves they had when the team signed to come here, and which was so manifest as the Stadium itself was completed and opened. All of that was preparation. It was passive, as far as the entire popu lace was concerned. them to beam with pride, and they did. move into effec tive action : We asked Now we ask them to to talk up ~he Braves, to support the Braves, to realize in so doing that all of 'v this effort demonstrate s to the nation at large that Atlanta is the city of spirit and "can-do " in the entire United States. (more ) XE RO ! COPY · .....

.. ·$! ,--, l C OPY ~XERO ,..,..._...., I XERO COPY ,--:, r-r �I . ·1·. Atlanta Braves Opening OM-3 As in every good thing that has transformed this town, the lead has to come from the business community. The business community is in City Hall. It is in office with the largest plurality ever given a Mayor of a major city . Now that Mayor needs votes again . -- in the form of an all-out effort in behalf of Atlanta's reputation when the eyes of the nation are on this city opening night, April 12. Essential l y , that i s what the plan of action on the following pages is all about. Be ll XERO 1,c oPY --- XERO I COP Y r Stanton, Inc. & XER O fCOF'Y XERO COP Y ,...., r �·,... Atlanta Braves Opening OM-4 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS To put across the biggest opening day baseball ever has seen, we can think no little thoughts. However, big thoughts are a futile exercise in mental gymnastics unless supported with practical follow-through . .. We need the help of all concerned to make certain we have both, for only the thorough execution of this big job in the end will win the day for Atlanta and for the Braves. 1. It is urgent that we get Atlanta into action on season ticket sales. This will take personal contact from the highest levels of the Atlanta business community, directed toward the highest levels of the Atlanta business community, plus efforts at that same level aimed at business lea d e rs in other market cities . 2. We need to start the bal l rolling so that every ad carried in the early part of Opening Week refers to the Braves; every downtown office bui lding takes on the challenge of creating banners; e v ery local theatre enters the act; every school and colle ge hereabouts be comes involve d, as does e v ery t axidriver , e v ery bus driver, every member of the police force . (mo re ) XERO I ( COP Y XERO ICOPY --, ""'I �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-5 (Summary of Recommendations continued) ,·'. In addition to the regularly assigned sports ~ writers covering the 1'-edgers-Braves eJ!?ltilsitieT. series '"N\~ ~;\,~~ Mdfc 26, 2, M-cl ~ " . ana ~8, Bell & Stanton will invite travel and general feature writers to Atlanta at that time. Plans call for them to see a game, be given personalized tours of the city, and be guests at a superb dinner hosted by Atlanta Newspapers, Incorporated and Jack Tarver. We have already begun working with the national magazines; Look Magazine will be here on assignment right after Washington's Birthday as a first step. We need to get national television, including network news shows. The "Today" Show should broadcast from Atlanta opening day, on the day after, or both. We need more press association series on Atlanta and its team; the hassle with Milwaukee has made this the biggest sports yarn in years. 4. We need to h~ve the cream of Atlanta's business community take on the task of personally inviting the very top leaders of the nation to be their house guests over Opening Day. Every branch of a national firm should have its national president here . game . This is far more than a baseball It is Atlanta's day in the court of public opinion when everything that makes this town great is on display . (more) XE RO l ~COPY -..,, X ERO \ COPY r �... Atlanta Braves Opening OM-6 (Summary of Recommendations continued) 5. We need help in pulling our loftiest national political leaders here, and that need goes right to the top. We need all southern governors and many mayors here. 6. We need to get glittering celebrities here, and we shall call on Bill Bartholomay personally to guide and help us on that. We will call on Georgia advertisers who use personalities in their campaigns to have those celebrities here. And of course baseball's o f f i cialdom is a vital part of the program. 7. We need to mount a Mayor's Dinner on the eve of the Big Game which will show the greatest outpouring of Atlanta's elit e --and the nation's well-known figures--that Atlanta has seen since the 1939 premiere of "Gone With The Wind". 8. We n eed a p a r a d e Open i ng Da y aft e rnoon which will be unforgettable in Atlanta 's annals. We s e e this as featuring ever y high school a nd college b a nd in the a rea , e ach b and spons ored b y a n At l a nt a area business firm; Br aves and Pirat e s stars; the May o r; The Gover nor; c e l ebrit ie s . XERO !(COPY (more ) l XE RO l COPY XERO COP Y r- �.: I' - , .; • ., Atlanta Braves Opening OM-7 (Summary of Recommendations continued) The bands later go to the game with tickets paid for by their sponsors. Who ever heard of such generosity and spirit on the part of business leaders? It takes Atlanta to put this over. 9. We need to coordina~e with Pittsburgh leaders to get a representative Pittsburgh group here. We need to get plans started as well for the Atlanta leadership to be in New York Friday, April 15, when the Braves open the Mets' home season, and in St. Louis, Thursday, May 12, when the Braves open the new St. Louis stadium. This is the essence of the bold but simple program which we ask Atlanta to support. As we write today, we cannot estimate costs precisely. If all who come to the Mayor's Dinner pay substantially more tha~ the $7. 50 cost per head of the affair, we .can obtain part of the needed funds at that time. Atlanta will spend what is needed, regardless of where the funds come from, we are confident of that . (more) \ XE rl0 1 '\C: OP Y XERO CO P Y r - - 7 ____,___ f__. . , \ COP XE RO Y 1 \ XERO COPY .,, �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-8 (Summary of Recommendations continued) At Bell & Stanton we will not spend any significant amount without prior clearance from the Chamber. thing must be clear: One this over all is Atlanta's challenge, for in saluting the entry of the Braves, Atlanta salutes itself and she shows the nation once and for all, the kind of fibre that makes up this remarkable community.

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XE RO I' COP Y XEROI COP Y I , \ xERO COPY r �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-9 DETAILED PLANS In the section that follows, we list specific plans, with complete assignments. The Bell & Stanton public relations organization is charged with working closely with the Chamber, with the Braves, and with all other involved groups and individuals. We must see to the action of each committee. Overall supervision will be the responsibility of the firm's president, Alan Bell, from New York, and of Senior Vice-President George Goodwin from the Atlanta office. The specific Bell & Stanton executive under them will be David Pearson of Atlanta. Already the Chamber has offered to lend the firm extra manpower as evidence of strong support. Extra people as needed will be employed on a temporary basis if the pace builds up too swiftly. In any event, additional staff from the New York Bell & Stanton office , headed by Ex ecutive Vice-President Edward Stanton and b y the Ne w York account executive for "Forward Atlanta , " Margaret Larson, will be closely inv olv ed at all times . XE RO COP Y

~ XER O [ COPY f I"""' l CXERO OPY XERO COPY ,.... �Atlanta Braves Op en i n g OM-10 SEASON TICKET SALES The Assistant General Manager of the Braves, Jim Fanning, has led a task force which already has sold some 3,000 season tickets during the course of an intense area campaign over months. It is only now, after Fulton Superior Court Judge McKenzie has spoken, that it is possible for anyone to be able to go all-out on this. Season tickets should be sold to every business organization in this area, for use of its employees and customers. This sales need comes at a time when the Braves organization must turn its attention more and more to spring training. The community can -- and we suggest, must -- help put across this sales effort. 1. We suggest that Mayor Allen assemble in his office ~ group of lead i n g b u sin essmen to take o v er on this project as they would on any e mergency, for we appro ach crisis when we hav e sold so few season tickets this close to Opening Day of our first Big Le ague season . (mo re) XERO I COPY XE RO t C'O PY (

~ ,__ ~ ,--. -· -, ·--- �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-11 (Season Ticket Sales continued) 2. 3. Let the group that meets with the Mayor include: A. The five major bank presidents B. The president of the Sales Executives Association & Marketing If the Mayor agrees, the banks should be asked to use their contact officers, both from the main office and from branches. These officers should contact all corporate customers, urging those customers to buy season tickets to b e used by their e x ecutives, by their employees, and by their customers. The contact officers should take specific ticket orders -- with no money cha nging hands. A senior \ officer in each bank should receive these orders and should relay them to Mr . Fanning o f the Braves, who will fill the orders a nd b ill t h e p u rch aser dire ct. (more ) ) XERO XERO I ~COPY . - ~ ---- 1 COPY \ XERO 1coP Y ,_.. �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-12 .. (Season Ticket Sales continued) (NOTE: Bell & Stanton will provide all banks with lists broken down by categories of the firms and individuals who already have purchased season tickets.) Mr. Fanning, for his part, will supply daily lists ·of new purchasers to all bank supervisory officers involved. Mr. Fanning will supply all contact officers with adequate supplies of season ticket broch~res and ticket order blanks. He also will see that ticket sales personnel is available at the Stadium to serve purchasers who want to select seats in person. As a final point: XE RO ? if COPY l -- XERO l I XE RO COPY 1 l cOPY r - -..... r �. .,... I Atlanta Braves Opening OM-13 ADVERTISING $UPPORT Tucker Wayne & Co., as advertising agency for "Forward Atlanta" and for the Brav es, is requested to assemble at the earliest moment a gathering of all agencies, all advertising managers, all sales managers of newspapers, radio and TV, all retail sales promotion directors, newspaper representative s and the Georgia Association of Broadcasters to consider the following points: A. Insofar as is feasible, every advertising message placed locally beginning with Easter Sunday, and continuing through Opening Day (the following Tuesday) should salute the Braves, or otherwise speak of them. B. We would hope all concerned would e x plore the possibility of a spec i a l section to be run in both newspapers on openin g day. be pulled out and s aved. This would be something to It would be filled with news and advertising mat e ri a l suitabl e f or such a special section , commemor a ting the d ay Atl a nta Goes Big Leagu e. (mo re ) XERO • 1 XERO CO PY (COP> 1

---· -

!'""I XERO l' COPY r �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-14 (Advertising Support continued) c. AT'- NTf\ Every store in and around should--have special windows and in-store displays to salute the opening of the first season. Tucker Wayne is requested to assign one staff member to stay with this, working separately with the sales . promotion department of each major store, and working with managers of others. The Braves will make some display material available, but basically all of this should be put together as the contribution of the stores involved. 1. As a subpoint, stores are urged to consider tying their sales which start on Monday after Easter to the debut of the team. Why not call the events: "Braves Day Sales?" D. We ask t hat Tucker Wayne work with the Georgia Association of Broadcasters to prepare a special one-minute promotional film for the Opening Day, and these would be made available at no cost tc all TV stations in the entire market area, as well as to as many motion picture theatres as seems feasible (all those in greater Atlanta at least) . We would hope these would be run as p ublic se r vice gestu r es . (More) XERO \C OPY _ _ _...___ _ , _ _ ER ....,lJ)( co POY XE RO ICOPY �Atl a n t a Braves Opening OM-15 (Advertising Support continued) E. We specially ask that the advertising agencies of the four sponsors of the Braves -- CocaCola, Pure Oil, P. Lorillard, and Falstaff -- work closely with the coordinating committee. Their active help in mounting promotional spot campaigns, advance advertising, and banners, cards, and giveaways would be of great worth to all concerned.

XER O l j XERO COPY - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - ~ - - - =, C OP Ynr - - -~ - - - - - - _ _ _ IXERO COPY �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-16 DOWNTOWN OFFICES, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, POLICE We ask the Chamber of Commerce to assign a staff executive to work closely with all employers of office staffs in the downtown to arrange for display material in the form of banners or window painting. to evidence enthusiasm for the start of baseball. This would be appropriate activity for members of the Junior Chamber to take on_, under direction of the "Forward Atlanta" group at the Chamber. Further, the Chamber should contact the Restaurant Association,the Motel Association and individual major hotels to arrange for lobby displays, special menus keyed to Opening Day, special room notices to be in every guest room each day of the Opening Week. No group is more important to Big League baseball on a continuing basis than the Police Department. We suggest an immediate meeting held with Chei f Jenkins b y the e x ecutive vice-president of the Chamber , and b y representativ es of Be ll & Stanton , to discuss all matters planned , and to s o l i cit cooper ation .

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COP Y ! ,-t ---..,1 -

XERO COP~ �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-17 NATIONAL PRESS PREVIEW a.~+e"" Two weekends~ Easter is, under the ci~cumstances, an appropriate time for having the nation's top travel and general writers come to Atlanta, with their wives, as guests of the city. It would be inappropriate to ask them to be away from their homes on Easter weekend, and l"-.-teR. the earlier date, while not ideal, would permit their schedule in Atlanta to include attending the exhibition game Sunday, m~i "-"', 442r 27 , between the Braves and the ~ me-rs . This tour would be low in key, and would give us . an opportunity to show Atlanta during the dogwood time, and at the same time l et the visitors soak up the bas ebal l flavor. They would be supplie d with press kits material on all the lures of Atlanta, lat est material on the Braves and on the stadium -- would be taken to our maj or attract ions here . they would not be rushed. But They should have time for golf , Stone Mountain , the cyclorama o r for a trip to Lake Lanier's Yacht Club for houseboating and for Saturday l unch. We suggest they have · a Spring Weekend in Atlanta beginning with Friday evening departure from New York, returning to Ne w York Sunday evening, following the ball game. (more) · XERO ~OPY . 'xE Rot COPY I ICXERO OP Y - - - - - -~ ~~ n ----· XE RO COPY �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-18 (National Press Preview continued) We would show these people Atlanta and the surrounding areas on Saturday, with the high point being a fine dinner at which the Cox newspapers would be the host. Talks would be given by May or Allen and by Ralph McGill, who of course is known and respected by all the journalists attending. The qualit y of Atlanta that will appeal to the visitors will include their exposure to Atlanta's springtime loveliness, and the Sunday highlight of the stadium and the ball game. We will have perhaps 80 people in all, 4 0 writers and 40 wives. We will need hotel rooms; we suggest they all be at one hotel such as the Marriott. We propose t h at we be given permission to establish a committee to e xplore this proposal thoroughly. On this committee should b e officials from Delta, from the Marriott, from the Chamber , from Cox n ewspaper s, from the Br aves a n d of course Bell & Stanton . This is d e signe d to h ave major travel stor ie s break in key newsp aper s a r oun d opening wee k of the season, at a time wh en, hopefully, so mu c h e ls e wil l b e appe a ring o n t he new baseball t e am and its city. Thi s advanc e e xposur e i s needed to g ain the fu ll p res s coverage. (more) --- XER O ' XER O t COPY COPY I r-;- - ---1XERO C OPY I XERO COPY �. ' Atlanta Braves Opening OM-19. PERSON-TO-PERSON VJSITS We ask the president of the Chamber and the head of "Forward Atlanta" to take on the task of coordinating with the business and cultural elite of Atlanta an unprecedented "Red Carpet" invitation to their peers nationally, to come to Atlanta for the Opening Day festivities. These would be friends inviting friends, and the guests for the most part would be houseguests. Essentially, we seek to have a significant number of the nation's decision makers in Atlanta, not just for the ball game, but primarily to sample Atlanta's atmosphere in springtime and its spirit in general. To do this properly, we need. help from Lockheed to fly in certain of the guests. Others of course will have their own corporate aircraft or will fly commercially. But the availability of JetStar help from Lockheed would be of the greatest help , and would be of worth to Lockheed as well in its role as the greatest single industry in Georgia. (more) XE RO f COPY \ - XERO COP Y ....... -- ---.-,, f XERO C OP Y -:----,; - XE RO ' COPY �,: Atlanta Braves Opening OM-20 (Person-To-Person Visits continued) The guests would come on Monday after Easter, in time for the Mayor's Dinner. If they cannot come until Tuesday, they will see the downtown parade, see the ball game, see the first class facilities in the Stadium and catch the way Atlanta is on the move. XERO l f'O PY t ><ERO j COPY ICXERO O PY ~ �'j ' I ~. • Atlanta Braves Opening OM-2_l _·- . __ .. __ . .. POLITICAL GUESTS With the active help of Mayor Allen and the Governor, it is hoped that political g~ests of the first rank will conv erge on Atlanta, both for the Mayor's Dinner . on Monday, and for the game and all that goes with it on Tuesday. How appropriate it would be if it is the President who throws out the first ball. We know thought is being given to all of- this. On o ther leve l s , thi s o c c asion i s . a n opportunity for all the Governor s of the South , and th~ mayors of the l a rgest cit i e s of the South , t o c ome to Atlanta offi c ial ly . Bell & Sta n t on sug gests it work with the Mayor , and with t he Gove rnor, o n a ll aspec t s o f this obj e ctive. I t f its Atla nta ' s role of leadership f o r t h e ent ire Sou th, howeverJ for her to think in just s uch t erms as she puts together the offi ci a l invi tatio'n list. XE RO COPY

I XE RO r '""' ---- ··--------- COPY r- ICOPY XE RO �Atlanta Braves O?cn i ng OM-22 . I CELEBRITIES AND BASEBALL LEADERS Top Hollywood and public personalities who also are baseball fans would add much to the excitement and .\ impact of Opening Day. helpful in this area. Mr. Bartholomay will be very He already has offered to help. We'll call on him for an all-out effort to entice to Atlanta the Danny Kayes, the Natalie Woods, and other stars who are red-hot fans. The Commissioner of baseball, the presidents of both leagues, all team owners, and other such luminaries comprise an obvious invitation list which will be worked out with the Braves, both for the Mayor's Dinner and for Opening Day. XERO COP Y

I· ~ •XERO t COPY I- - XERO COP Y ,·x E RO 1 COP Y �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-23 ( GAIN SUPPORT OF PRIVATE CLUBS We suggest Mayor Allen appoint private club co-chairmen, one white and the other Negro~ to gain the support of all the social organizations serving Atlanta. The men chosen for these roles should be impressed with the need to get on with the task of rallying every social club in Atlanta behind the Opening Day program. This would include more than decorating the clubs, although t hat and canvassing the membership in behalf of the events is important. We believe a need exists for an early buffet the night of the game and that arrangements should be made for buses to take members to the stadium.

XE RO l COPY --- XERO I · COPY - - - ,-- I lxe:Ro COP Y l xERO' COPY �. ,. Atlanta Braves Opening OM-24 THE MAYOR'S DINNER We see the Monday night, black-tie dinner for 1,200 at the Marriott as representing Atlanta's official statement in behalf of the Braves. finest of affairs. It should be the very The list of speakers should be not too It ma y b e t h a t one o f the c e l ebritie s under discussion could entertain at the dinner. In eve ry way, it s hould b e an affa ir at which the most polished guest would feel comfortable. Although the dinner , as we s e e it , should be . a t the Marr iott, tha t for the purpose . is only because i t h as the largest r o om We would hope all hotels in At l a nta, i n their r eali zat i on o f how much t he presen ce o f baseb a ll will mean t o t h e m, wo uld c o operate in all aspects of the event, and have the menus so p ublicly state . XERO COPY --- XERO I COPY ~ - - - - - - ......, (more) - j XERO j COPY XERO ICOPY �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-25 (Mayor's Dinner continued) Therefore, we suggest the MayOr appoint a Dinner Committee which would cut across the hotel community of Atlanta, and which also would include representatives of the Braves, of the Chamber, both sports editors, and the general managers of all radio and TV stations. We suggest the possibility of charging $15 per ticket, rather than the actual cost of $7.50, in order to obtain promotional funds to go toward meeting the City's and Chamber's special April expenses.

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XERO ~ COP Y I XERO l COP Y ---·-------r:.,.,,.----.--, XE RO COPY ~ �Atlanta Braves Opening OM-26 THE OPENING DAY PAR.ADE Think of a parade, wending its way down Peachtree Street from the area of the Capital City Club to Five Points and ending at Hunter Street; a parade bursting with the music of every high school and college band in the Atlanta area -- plus every ball player on the Braves roster, all the Pirates, Mayor Allen, Bobby Bragan, and celebrities. We think such a parade would be fresh, would symbolize better than anything else the way young Atlanta is taking B·i g League baseball to heart, and would make great ~ictures for the national press. We suggest this be held in the afternoon of the Opening Day game. We see it as being held from 4 to 6 P.M., presenting of course problems of traffic, but with the parade carefully confined to the heart of the city, thus out of the way of home-bound vehicles to a great extent. All of downtown would be decorated -- if the various committees have done their jobs. It would be Atl anta ' s great ticker - tape parade , filled with y outh and music and h eroes. (more) XE RO l COPY --- -- I XERO COPY ( -· XERO ICOPY

r-~--.. �.. ,; Atlanta Braves Opening OM-27 (Opening Day Parade continued) We suggest that each marching band be the respopsibility of an Atlanta business organization which can make as much of the relationship as it wishes. The possibilities for generating good will are considerable. At the least, all members of the marching bands should be given free tickets to the opening game, courtesy of their sponsoring business firm. tickets. In some schools this means 100 The students would sit in special sections, still in their marching uniforms. They would check their instru- ments at the end of the parade of course, then would have two hours to eat and get to the stadium. We suggest Mayor Allen appoint a parade committee, to consist of the people who know most in Atlanta about parades. That includes WSB staff, department stores, and of course representatives of the Braves. It would seem to us that Arthur Montgomer y , as chairman of the Stadium Authority, might assume responsibility for lining up the sponsoring business organizations. He could be helped in this by Chambe r staff, and by committee members from the Board of Education and other school groups including the colleges .

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XERO COPY l xiRO COPY fxERO COPY �,. Atlanta Braves Open ing OM-28 NATIONAL AND LOCAL TELEVISION AND RADIO We ask that Mayor Allen appoint a broadcasting committee to meet as soon as possible, to lay plans and thereafter to work with Bell & Stanton on all aspects of network TV and radio coverage of .the festivities surrounding opening day. The objective would be to use the event itself as the possible news peg which could lead to significant national TV and radio attention to the city of Atlanta. We would like to call on the active help of all local broadcasters to get this exposure. Further, we would like the help of WSB in particular in seeing about getting the "Today" show either to originate the morning after the game from Atlanta, or to have a part of the show with an Atlanta dateline. If it is necessary to pay for this, we should find out the costs involved, and then see about obtaining the funds . (more) rop,· XERO ICOPY XERO �1: Atlanta Braves Opening OM-29 (National and Loc a !~lev ision and Radio continued) Generally, the networks would cover the event as news, but we should stay flexible in order to help in every way possible. What kind of town is this Atlanta where Big League baseball is making its debut? That is the story underlying · the big event itself, and we feel this will have interest to broadcasters. On local TV and radio exposure, we ask that the committee work with all stations, definitely including those serving all ethnic audiences, to arrange for spring training interviews with players, and then for interviews as the season is about to open. Much of this will flow spontaneously from the Braves own public relations effort but the Jspecial broadcast committee should try to be helpful.

XE RO ( COPY I -- XERO COPY XERO COP~ ,- �:· ,: Atlanta Braves Opening OM-30 THE "AWAY" GAMES WITH METS AND CARDINALS The Atlanta Braves will open the season for the Mets April 15 and the new St. Louis Stadium for the Cardinals May 12. We shall work with the Mayor, with the Chamber, and with the Braves, on coordinating all aspects of this. Several officials should go to each opening. How helpful it would be if Lockheed could supply a JetStar which would be the official plane flying to both cities. We shall stay in touch with the Mayor, the Chamber, and the Braves on this, and will approach Lockheed if given permission. XER O l COPY X ~RO f COPY f - X ERO COPY XERO ) COPY �