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Hon o xxxxxxxx May or City of Pitt s b urgh City Hall Pitts b ur gh , Penn""t/~ '4,1 Dear xxxxxxx : The City of Atlant a extend s to you and your wi fe a c ordia l inv itat ion to visi t o ur c ity and jo in wi t h us in opening Atlanta ' s f i r s t ma jor league bas e ball seas on) ~ -fM ~ ~ ~ ~~I do not need to expl ain the signi f i cance of t his grand occa sion , not on l y t o Atlant ians, b ut t o c i tizens t hro ughout Georgia and t he ent ire Southeast , and we would be h onored to have you share with all of us these hours of greatnes s whic h fore c ast the wonderful f utu r e of bas eba l l in t his are a . On Monday, April 11 , Mrs . All en and I woul d l ike ~ou to be our guests at the Mayor ' s Dinner honoring t he Atlanta Brave s, t his ev ent to take pl ace at the new Marriott Hotelo On Tuesqay__q t ~~ :30 p . m. , Atlanta will h ost t he EEgN0 N~ great ~ p a r a d e and again, we wou ld like you to par t i c ipate in this event . In c onc l usion, the pre-game festivities will begin in the new Atl anta Stadium at ' 7 ~H'oh ga me tiffle a'o ........- ..... • At t hat :moment, (£ wou l cFI o~11 :he firotbr,i R a h t l l . t,t)f.-, (?du ~ r~ new -;;aw L~ow r-o~ _ Complimentary reservations will be arranged for your stay at the Marriott Hotel, and you may be sure that Atlanta will make every effort to insure your enjoyment while our g uests. I will look forward to hearing fro m youQ Cord i ally, �