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Hon. xxxxxxxx Mayor City of Pittsburgh City Hall Pittsburgh# Penna. Dear xxxxxxx: The City of Atlanta ex.tends to you ana your wife a cordial invitation to v1s1t our e1ty and join 1th us 1n opening Atlanta's first maJor l~ague baseball season. I do not need to explain the significance or this grand occasion. not only to Atlantians. but to citizens throughout Georgia nd the entir Southe st, and we would be honored to have you snare 1th 11 of us thee hours ot greatness which foree st the ondertul future or baseball in this ar _ • On Monday~ April 11., Mrs. Allen , nd I would like you to be our guests at the Mayor 's Dinner honoring the XJDI Atlant Braves. thi · event to take plao at the n Marriott H~tel . On Tu sday t 1:30 p.m., Atl nta 111 host the u gr t Brav par d nd again, , e would like you top rtic1p te 1n th1 e ent. In eonclue1on. th pr -g r ti 1t1 · - 11 begin in the n · Atl nta St d1um at . . . , 1th g · t1m t ,......._• At th t moment., ould 1!ke you to thro out th f'Irst ba eb ll. Complim ntary r rv t1on will b rt.a ng d tor your et y t the ?T1ott Hot 1 • . nd you my b ur th t Atl nt 111 m k e- -ry effort tc in ur your njoym nt wh1l our guest. I will look to rd to h ring from you. Cordi lJ.y, �