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S. C. JOHNSON & SON. INC. <t.Johnson RACINE. WISCONSIN. U. S. A. ATL AN TA OFFI CE. 9 79 DONN ELL Y AV ENUE. S.W .. P. O. BOX 10 738. ATL ANTA. GEO RG I A 303 10 ARE A CODE 404 PL3 ·9 751 September 7, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia My Dear Mayor Allen : I am quite alarmed and disturbed oirer the strike by the Atlanta Firemen. This is to register my complaint that I am not happy with the present fire protection and I am also disgusted that my fire insurance will probably go up .. In carefully reading all newspaper reports, editorials, and watching the TV reports, I am in agreement that I do not approve of the strike, and I do feel the firemen ar e us i ng poor j udgment. However, I must state that I feel that the city officials, including yourself, have been a little stubborn in the matter., My question is why you would not agree to letting the court rule on whether funds could be given ~ o If the court had ruled that the city position was correct, I believe the firemen would remain content until January 1st. Why can't you negotiate further on this point? Do not jeopardize our safety, property, and insurance rates, even though it is disgusting to both of us that they walked out. I think my criticism is equal to both sides, but at this point, you are the one that will not talk to the firemen .. I do not want to be in this dangerous position for one year or more. Pleasel Sincerely yours, @/{!/3~cu~kL-P., W., Brandon Regional Office & Warehouse Manager PWB/bl �