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STATEMENT BY CHIEF C. H. HILDEBRAND ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT Friday, September 16, 1966 For Release 11:00 A. M. \\ The City of Atlanta has in ope ration this morning 25 fully manned Fire Stations. The t\ltal personnel in the department has now risen to 357 -- 313 of these employees performing actual firefighting duties. Sixty-seven new recruits have been assigned to stations for in-service training and duty under the leadership of experienced Firemen and Fire Officers. We are able to maintain an on-duty shift strength average of 175 firefighting personnel because of extended work hours of those Firemen who have remained on the job. Our attempts to recruit new men to rebuild the Fire . Department have been extremely successful. Since Labor Day the City Personnel Department has examined 327 applicants . �Page Two II 140 of these have passed the written examination and are being processed for in-service training and firefighting duties immediately. The Personnel Department is making plans to conduct a recruiting campaign throughout the Southeast and through the employment of new personnel and the extende d work hours of our experienced personnel, we should be able to place the -r~o ""o.b le_ remaining unmanned stations in operation within a- v~ry ahoM period of time. The Personnel Office at 260 Central Avenue, S. W. is remaining open until 7:30 p. m. Monday through Friday and until noon on Saturdays to receive and process firefighters applications. I am re questing all the citize ns of Atlanta to practice good fire prevention measures in their homes, businesses, churches and schools. A check-off list is being released to the news media for s e lf-inspection of your premis es which, if conscientiously adhered to, can prevent fires and preserve property. �