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AT AN A RFG TR UNION, INC. R , J. CAUM ROBERT L. MITCHELL J . I. M A RT IN SECRETARY BU S IN ES S AG E NT PR ES IDE N T J . F. BENNETT L . G . ST Y R ON TR EAS URER V ICE PRE S ID EN T 701 WILLIAM•OLIVER BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 \\ September, 1966 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The City of Atlanta refused to accept the recommendations of mediator, Tech President, Edwin Harrison, and will not talk to firemen. President:- lfarrison heard from both sides, investigated the problem and c ame up with these major re-c=non<lations-: Increase the firemen's pay about 7% (this would cost the City $400,000) OR Reduce their work week from 60 to 56 hours a week (This would cost the City $40Q.OOO) effective January 1, 1967. The mediator said the firemen should be given the choice of either the increase in pay or the reduction in hours. Firemen accepted the increase in pay. The reduction in our original proposal to 48 hours would be worthwhile. The 7.14% increase in pay to be in addition to any FUTURE General pay raises which all City employees may receive. The enclosed resolution, when approved by the Mayor and Aldermatic Board, wi ll return fire protection to you and the City of Atlanta. Jack I. Hartin, President

. .F. F. U. I.