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? RESOLUTION Atlanta Local 3204 communications Workers of America in the general membership- meeting September 6, 1966 unanim~usly states the following: WHEREAS: The Atlanta, Georgia Firemen are underpaid and work vixty (60) hours per week and: WHEREAS: For an untold number of months these Firemen and the AFL-CIO Local to which they belonged negotiated fruitlessly with Mayor Ivan ~llen ..and the Board of Firemasters and; WHEREAS: These Atlanta Firemen formed an independent union to correct these unreasonable working conditions and: WHEREAS: The dispute was submitted by both parties to Dr. Edwin Harrison, President of Georgia Institute of Technology and: WHEREAS: The recommendations of Dr. Harrison were turned down by Mayor Allen and the Board of Firemasters: those recommendations being, an immediate increase in wages or a reduction in hour s and; WHEREAS: Local 3204 CWA conside rs the City's action and that by the Board of Fi remasters as unreasonable and in utter disregard of the well -being of Atlanta Fireman and their families : THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that; Local 3204 Communi cations Workers of America advises all people that it supports the Atlanta Fire Fighters Union Independent in its demand for reasonable pay and in its strike against the City of Atlanta. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that; this resolution be mailed to all c ity officials; Georgia Congressmen; Senators: George Meany, AFL-CIO President: J o Ao Beirne, President of CWA1 and Captain J. I. Martin, President of Atlanta Fir e Fighter s Union I nde- pendent. /' a ~~ LAWSON A. SEWELL, President Local 3204, c. w. A. �