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/ \\ / June 10, 1966 M r. George Eo Gill District Director Communications Workers of America 4 0 Pryor Stre.et, S. W . Atlanta, Georgia Dear M r. Gill: I appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing me during the trying circumstances involved in our recent firemen' problems. I am a great cham.pion of organized labor and the right of coll ctive bargining. I have publicly stated this on many occasions, and carried out my b liefs in every po sible instance. My whole background and training has been a development of the principle that the w lfare of the public as a whol cannot b put in jeopardy under any circumstances. In my opinion, the protective services of a city mu t accept their re ponsibility. T hi responsibility cannot xce pt the right to put ~1e public in jeopardy. I can assure you that I a m fair nd rea onable. Since:rely, Ivan A ll n, Jr. May or IAJr:am �