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STATEMENT B Y : Jam.es o. Moore, P resident Atlanta, Georgia L bor Council, AFL-C1O June 9. 1966 arly pa.rt of this year, the Atlanta, Q orgia. Labor Council, The AFL -CIO went on record of supporting the F irefighters Local Union ff 134, AFL -CIO in their request to city officials in seeking and time nd a half-time for overtime. 56 hour work wee The local utlion did receive the time ~nd a half-tim.e fox- overtime, but did not receive the aborter wor week. We did, and till think that the firemen are deserving of this relief, believ that the city could have found a remedy for this situation. tbi · tiid not ha.pp n, but for the ye • 1967. t · everal yeare , the city has con d bae al Y" hown · ood faith. The Fir fighter Local Union #134 cho e to w T'h ia i However, as promi ed that it would be iven fir · t con i deration ring the recognised th AFL -CIO, nd bide by tbb decision. t broug t bout the plit in the fir fi btera unio • nt to ma e it cle . ~ that the 98 oth r loc . unio-n affili ted e th the Atlan , Geor i L bor Council, AFL-CXO do ot aub-.crib nor condone the ctlon of the o-call d "Firefishter• lndepende1lt Union" . W 1134 £, r ty al o comm t nly rema.iuin ,o · th ir ,ee tha.t pr e fire atatiou. Job•, a vital I fu 1 •• r L -ClO but durin L cal Uni n oU ai 0 liv • and tw rt to •• r re itis n• of Ad.an • • • ,00 ir li b the member•hlp f th C • iUl" m ·m re pco t cit,. •1 • irefi th r re f rly •c: r• 1 �report to their respective fire tation , being firmly convinced that thi wa. more important thah hold.in a local union. meeting at that particular time. �