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GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF T E CH NO LOGY ATLANTA , GEORG I A 30332 oFF 1cE o F THE PRE s 10ENT September 8, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: Thank you for your kind words in behalf of my efforts to serve as mediator between the firemen and the City. I was pleased to have an opportunity to what I hoped might repay the City in part for its many contributions to Tech, and you for your friendship and service to the institution and the Alumni Association. There are no fees or expenses involved. Mr. Claude A. Petty , Vice President and General Manager of the Atlanta Merchandise Mart , made arrangements for the meeting room in which the hearing was held and provided coffee and coca colas. He also made available guid es and extra service as sistants in setting up a nd removing the tables and public address systems, one o f ~hich he fur nished without cost. The stenographer who took down and transcribed the entire hearing was Mr . Fr ed Burrell, who did an excellent job. I believe that a note of thanks to Mr. Pett y and possibly to Mr . Burrell is all that would be re quired. One requirement as expressed in the Al dermanic Board's resolution was that copies of my report were to be made available to the Ci ty and to the firemen. I did not furnis h the several hundred copies that would have been required for complete distribution and you might perhaps consider having it done by the Mayor's office. My most sincere th a n ks to you for your very kind words. Since re ly yours , Ed~in D. Harrison President EDH: jg �