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September 6, 1966 Atlanta, Ga. Mayor Ivan Allen c / o The Atlanta Journa.l Atlanta, Georgia Dear Chief: What a shock, after living six years abroad in a Communist infested area to return and find how little rights we as American Citizens have to express our needs when all else has failed. Yes, you were elected to office by the majority, although at this time I am wondering why. When a leader obviously cannot execute his position in fairness and cannot be reached in any way to listen and understand the needs of his people, how else do you expect them to reach out , other than the way the Atlanta Firemen re now doing? Do you re lly feel that these men are exhibiting the trait of bad Americans, or can you sit back and realize that this is the only choice which you and many so-called Atlantans have given them? Had you rather they would use Molotov cocktails and propergander, which the Communists have used very succe sfully? Have you yet realized that these men are only trying to tell the citizens of Atlanta and the men who re supposed to fill their executive office with fairness and represent tion for all that their f milies need to have ad qu te income, the same a you college boys, and little time to enjoy eeing their future littl eitiz ns grow? Ir lly teel sorry for you Mr. All n. for omewbere along th line someone forgot tot 11 you bout th Indi n trib • We all• or I thought we all knew, 1th t v ry tribe ha it Indian and its Chief, but what I think th t you have ith r torgotten or you r choo ing to ignore, i that good Chi f t ks c r ot hi Indian in very way, ven to the point that h him lf might uffer. Wh t' wrong with you??????????? An Atl nta Indi n, Lo Sue S nd r / - o r Ivan All n • City Hall • Atlant , Ga, �