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August 2.3, 1966 MEMORANDUM H onorable Wm. T. Knight, Chairman, Board of Firemasters TO: Honorable Milton Farris, Chairman, Finance Committee General Ca:rl T . Suthe.rland, PersQnnel Director Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. FROM: Gentlemen: Attached is a copy of Dr. Harrison's report on the firemen's hearings and a copy of my statement regarding same. As you will nQte in the second paragraph of my statement, I am requesting John D ougherty to make hitnself available to your committee to interpret this r .e port. I will appreciate your meeting as sQon as pos ible. ely yours, Jr. IA1r/br Enclosure CC: Chief C. H. Hildebrand, Jr~ Mr. John Doii.ghe1'ty �