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425 TENTH STREET, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 Telephone 875-2666 September 9, 1966 \\ Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall 68 Mitchell st., s. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear M3.yor Allen: I wouJd like to express my appreciation for the vital role you played in reconciling the group involved in the Capitol Avenue - Ormorrl Street incident. You demonstrated to our city your willingness to peacefully resolve conflicts . I admire your courage and personal involvement to make the appeal you did. Through such positive leadership Atlanta will be able to successfully resolve her racial tensions. I would appreciate you giving the same kini of leadership in resolving the tensions associated with the Firemen arrl the city. You can be a reconciling force here and provide t he positive leadership that is needed. Has the door of reconciliation been closed too hastily? Was too drastic · action taken t oo soon? Were all avenues of reconciliation exhausted before the doors were slammed shut7 Should recruitment of new firemen be as successful as anticipated, our city will ' still depend on a group of untrained men for fire protecti on. Many men who have courageously protected life arrl property of our city haven't been heard in their grievances. Your position is not an easy one. The citizens of Atlanta recognize that it takes a bigger man to admit a mistake, assume a role of reconciliation, and serve the best interests of everyone involved than to take a dogma.tic position and jeopardize life and property of everyone. I pray for divine leadership for you and all those charged with responsibility of leadership in our city. "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Hiroself. 11 We have the high privilege of emulating this noblest quality of our Lord in involving ourselves in positions of reconciliation. May our Heavenly Father provide you leadership and power to serve our city. CRY yourdLJ1ucr11 RyanCwright, Pastor Tenth Street ~thodist Church �