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April 3, 1968 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen. Jr. From: Dan Swe t Subject: Atl nta Christian Council Civil Di orders Propos 1 The attach d statement was unanimou ly adopted Tue day by the Atlant Christian Council. Johnny Robin on and Im t with the Resolutions Committee dul'ing the morning to di cus thi tat ment with the members 0£ that committ Th · minister ar incerely interested in contributin dir ctly to the Hmination of central city problems and are s eking realistic ways in which to b come involved. You will notice they want to finance luncheon or dinner which you would ho t. What they r ally w nt to do i to organize an Urban Co lition or help formalbe the Coluition which we hav previously attempted to g t st rted. They desi re to invit John G rdner down, who long with you, would help draw int r ted leaders from all walks of life to the dinn r me ting. I will meet with Dr. Moore and members of hi committee Thursday in an ttempt to develop specific: before the committee meets with you next Wedn sday at 3:00 p. m . to outline their plans to you. Such dinner would be held probably the w ek of May 6. Fifi ld ha ugg ted that it be held t hi church. I think w DS :fy should support and encourage uch g thering. Dr . Harry �