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September 22, 1966 Honorable Ivan Al len Ma y or of t he City of Atlanta 6e Mitchell Street, S . W. Atlanta, Georg ia Dear Mayor Al l en: Attached is a c opy 01· my rep ly to a "fact She c: t 0 being cir cil a te.d by t he 1'i r emen I s uni on, of wgi ch you are no doubt aware of. There are many areas I do not agree with your phil osophy, but I do not agree with the firemen's union in regard to the strike whi ch kept Atlanta in an extremely vulnerable state either. The city handled the situation very well and if you weee to be subject to criticism, it would be due to your lenien cy to the strikers. As I state d in my reply, I will back our firemen now on duty and i f a raise in pay will attract better men, I am ·in f avor of such a move. It is my hop e tha t th e ma jority of Atl antans will exp ress simil a r vi ew s regar ding this so-c a ll ed fa ct sheet b e i ng circul a ted. $n t he Bon d, it:{~!~ Al a - Mu Santa Fe Tr a il, s.w. At l an t a , Georgia 30331. 4520 55 �