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I NORTH CLAYTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION w. F a yettevill e Roa d College P rk, Georg i a 612:6 July 17, 1969 Mr. IB:arl La nder · Administra tive Ass istant City of A.tls nt • IDe8F' Mr. L nders f The Kiw nis of South College P rk a nd the N0rth Clayton Athletic As socia tion re working on a n Athletic program f~r tha t community. At present we do not h a ve ny lig hts for our ba ll field. We would like to use the lights a t the North Clayton Jro High Scho0l for our a thl e tic prog r m• . Anything you c an do for us would be greatly apprecia ted. Sincerely, 1{cz_ , Ro ii --~ E . La~
