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ROUGH DRAFT INFORMATION TO BE I NCLUDED IN AF I DAV T The City of Atlanta operates on a we l l planned, we annual budget. progra'7,:n d The City ha s cer tain p _esc ibed r les· a nd _e gula _ons i n its Charter dealing with the anticipat ion of revenue~-, the approprie.tio _ of f u_. s, and .the like . These laws were enacted in 193 7 and have been a end d sever 1 times since. The budget law was prompted by the fa c t th t t he City was a _mos t financially bankrupt and was having to is s ue script · n or de r to pa y 1-s employees and vendors. We have found ha t by liv ing wi these rues nd regulations, good,sound financia l budge ts c an be made and c an be lived up to . In fact, we have extended the pra c tic e wi thi revenues and operating expenses for 9','..:,,·.;} .:>f, ( 0 ,C ' · I ~,\;., ·,; · s muc h z.s - ive years e·1ce befo e ma i ng a particular calendar year budget. I .): -,.,..-,- - -- ,......::-.., t he office of f o eca t i ng - - - - The 1966 calendar year budget was ma laws which are contained in the Charter of ~n accordance wi th t he budge t he City a nd · t he pr-ct i ce of f o··e - casting revenues and operating co sts for s everal ye r s. estimates for the 1966 budget we r ~tici?~tcd r evenue for ecast ad r v i ewed as ar y s May , 1965 . These estimates were again r eviewed i n Ju ly , August , Oc tober , Nov ,ber and December, and corrections ma de a cco rding to economic c hanges d ring this period . Bud ge t rlquest forms were forwarded o the various depart ents of the City on Sep tember 15, 1965, and t he se were comple ted and retu~~ - ' to this office by Oc tober 15. These r equest s tot aled $________ C:.:1C - V ilabl:::. revenue pro jections that had been made in Oc t ober i ndicated th~t we coul d provide for onlv $_________ The budget reque st s of the various departments were thoroughly revi wed by this office and we re r eviewed by the Finance Comm · ttee, togetheL with the off i cials of the various departments. November 2, 3 and 4, 1965. - - --------~ ·__ :-_:::::;:::-- Thes e hearings were condu~ted on The Budget Commiss ion, who is responsible for % ~, -.·· �- 2 - antic ipating all revenues of t he City and maki ng certa in appTopr i a i ons such as debt service, met and approved t he tenta tive e stimate year 1966 on November 30, 1965 . quired by Charter of the City on rece·p t ~or the The tenta tive budget was published as r e-

Several meetings were held during f or t he purpose of reviewing reve h~ mo t hs of ovc~ber a nd Decembe es and re uests for a d ' i tiona l eq i p1 e nt , new employees, reclassifi ca tions , e c . T ese r e ques s w _ e thorough/,...sc eened .J and only the ba re essential were a ppTove d . T, e 966 _Pay and Classi iic2t i on Plan, whic h provided a 4 1/4% i ncrea se for eve y employee on t he payroll of the City was formulated nd approved by he Fina . e Comnittee ar.d presented to the Board of Aldermen on Decembe r 20 , 1965 . Requests fo and reclassifications were r evi ewed end pr se d to t he BoaT new employees of Alde rnen 3 for adoption on Janua ry 4, 1966 . --(, ,··,. . . (~


" .· The Budget Com,~ ission of t e City is composed of the Mayor, ChairQan of the Finance Commit tee , the Comptroller, and two ald rm • elec CQ Board of Aldermen each year t o serve fo r the calendar y ar . two alderm n T. Q by the to serve on t he 1966 Budget Commiss ion were elected at the meeting of 3 J a nuary 4, 1966 . The 1966 illudget Commission met Ja uary 4, 966 and reviewe~ the fi'1al receipt s of 1965 and e s tablished t he estimated receipts for 1960 i~ accordanc~ wit h the pract i ce a nd principl es t hat have been used by the c::..:y ior the last s everal years . The Budget Commis sion r ecommendation was file law with t he Board o f Aldermen on Monday , January 17, 1966. s required by The Finance Committee met on January 4, 1966 , reviewed and adopted t e final budget for~,.~ year 1966 a nd thi s wa s presented t o the Board of Aldermen on Janu£ry 17, 1966. It may be we ll to note that the B dget CoITu.~ission ca~not change its anticipations on present sources of revenue until the collections on th t source �- 3 - o f revenue has exc eeded the amo nt a,t ic i a~ed . ha each member of the Budget Coi. ·ssion i= that th e co lle ctions are less han h t a so may be we l to note er anal y li ble in ~he eve ~ amo nt of reve ue n icipa ~e . �