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' 1-, eff i152 i~1,i1reflUcen s bt t[Ji!rtter li tni : 7 71" ~ 1 F unds 2 re not now available either to shorten Atl anta firemen's wcr"kweek or raise their pay, the alderrnanie finance comm ittee decided Friday. The ac'. ion came afler some 400 firen·.en, their wives and supporters had overnowed the aldermar: ic chambers at a public hearii-i . Thev asked tha the fire der ~ ;tmcnt's work\\·eek be cut to 5G hours from the present 60 hour:; and that time and a half be _?aid for all hours O\'er 40. The finance committee took up the requests in cxccuti\'e session 2nd wound up deciding that neHher could be granted immedi· tely without raising Q)1 -.;..,\.i.l l; QJ (;) / Ec/'11 r,--,-y)\L)J_;/ 1rr1 P tra y 1W' ii.I bl ..l.!.. IUJ.; C 3 I ? By l\L\RJO:\ GAI:\ES board salary raises in any detaxes or the city's finding some p;:irtrnents . new source of revcnt1e. All members of the fi nance The aldermen made two con- comm ittee stressed that they cessions, however, by adopting wer~ in syrnpathr with the firemens o b J e c ~ 1 v es . Bt1 t a_ll resolutions promising th at: (1 ) Tirnc and a half ,rill agreed. too. mth Ald. Charl ie I henccfortl~ be paid for fireman Lcft; ricl_i_. Iha~ }.~; c rr~~t c!'~: i called back to duty in rmcr- bud,.,~~ is as d" .,t as Its e, CJ I gency situations after comp!rl- be~n. _ , _ . .. __ _ ing their re;ul;,r GO-hour \\"C' C ; _ . Compt1 ollc1 Cha, les _a \ I s ' Jt wa 5 estimatr d thic will co:;l i told the con~m1 ltee tha t, 1mple- ! onlv some $5 000 to Sl0.000 a rncntrng the G~hou!' '.,·ec.-: wou d I · ' require about 12 ac.cht1onal f1!·eyear · rnrn at an ann1.1c1 l cost I based : (2i The 56-hour wee · for fire- 0_11 top pay s c a 1 CJ of some 1 men will be given --The first $5:2(1,052. i consideration" in drawing up Paying time and a half over next year's city budget over any r e q u cs ts for across-the- Coutinucd on rarre 5, Column 1 ? l1 'ire:n_c:n-_Lo....,e Ref nest for Fe er Hours Continued From Page 1 1 40 hours for a 5G-hour week would cost about $704,618 a year· and for a 60-hour week about $810,831 a year. Davis said. At the public hearing. Capt. J. C. \Yhi tky told the aldermen that the city ,rns practicing "false economy·• to train young men as fire fighters and then lose them a short time later to jobs with shorter hours and weekends and hol idays off. Sgt. J. D. Garrett pleaded for implementation of the firemen's r equests, decl aring : "We can't strike against you; all we can do is quit and look for something else." Long!irne Atlanta businessman Sam n othbcrg urged the aldPrmen to give the firemen a wage "that is just, fair and right" even if it meant increasing taxes. lnsuranerman M. M. (tTuggsy) Smith said an important fa ctor is " the life hazard- when these men answer a fire ctll, tltcy never knr,w if they'll com back." · �