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In 1962 ~~11 cle_ih rt. iCi'. t !.3 of t1; e City of .• tl ::.ntu, except t!1e :r' ir·e .Jep a rti.:cnt lJad their 1i·or.i< \ ,eek shortened to fort y or forty-four ~1ours, a :1d The :£1.:bers of t h0 ,.t1,:..n t .... l:'ire ..Jepc:.rt...;ent nave not h&d a reduction of hours since the _ lan of In~rove ,::ent in Janu:-: ry 1952, and TLe City of ,·.. tlar:t!:l, i!l the ~1atter of re :-~·. 1ired VJOri< v;eek for ·::, he 1·' ire .i)epart:·:ent, i:as not h:e~.,t pace •. :1th establisr.ed _;:,ractices in other 1:·:ajor 1 cities in the country, &nd .. l.u:J.u..;·-. s, l'he Ciity of ~-.. tlor;. tct ~:·ers.::inr.el :,oaru. 1ms e n cour~tered r-;rea t dif f ic.~l :.:t in 1~rocur inc ar.d ret&ininG qu&li:'ied api)liC"}Lts ror tLe :.?ire ...;ei,;}rt ..•c nt, C:.Lle L r -~-.ely to tlw lou F~~vLV.:.D, ,;:orh: vrneL, now tii.erefore be it 1'12..t the .·.:ayor ~. lid •. o:::rd of .. lder ..•e1: of the City of ;_._tlc.n t& endorse, r.eco ~.1 ·1ei~d and est2. blish by ordi:-1c:nce coverintt: t :ie ~"ir·e LJepart;::i. Gr~t, a .-.iaxi~.~UJ i v1ork •;-:eek 01' fifty-six hours (as tne first step in establishin::.- a forty hour v-ior.i: week for the .fire 0e_part..:r..t:n t), ,rnd 'be it further ·.i.1 H.::..LOLV.i..D, I'ha t such i..:axiL:u..:n s tandar(ls be este.blisned ". :ithout reduction in -;,ay, and be it furtner r....LOLV.LU, 'il1:1t in establisi1in7 a fifty-six hour \ :ork '\,\'eek, the tlll'ee IJlE: toon syste!1 •-' t inaut :ura tcd, one pl<:. toon v.- or ki:i::. t .r4e c. ay sHift, one .i~L. toon v.,orkin~~ t:..e r. i r ht sl,ift, c..Ld one iiiatoon beinL off~ each v,or l-.: L1c four da:;r s ar..J· bein:; off t\ i O dc.y s, t.ae cycle tck in~.:; a p ) roxi.,£ tely 12 weeks to complete, at which ti1 e it would bee in anev, ar.d be 1 t further Ii.i...SOLV..::.D. 'l'hc.t the fifty-six. hour v. or~ v:eek be established with ec.ch ;il:·; toon !':.' aintuininf its _present struc- ture a nd c0Gpli r,1en t of · officers, en r,ineers, drivers, till e r '. ';en, etc, Hhich is nov; i.a effect with tlle tuo pl2toon syste;11. adopted at t!le rc.eetin e; of tee :...xecu tive · .=:oz.rd of Local ;,·1J4 Interru::tional .. lssoci~tion of :;; ire li1-- hters on ..1ece::. ber 29, 1965 and a_p£)J.'OVed by t,Le full bodJT Janu:....ry 4, a~1d .;anu~ry 11, 1966 on _ ,. v • 1ic:i:VW°< , .l-'r e si dent �