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The Urban Coali ion I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 /-I Stree t, N. w. Washingion, D. C. / 20006 · Steering Committee Co -chairmen: Andrew Heisk ell / A. Philip Randolph November 24 , 1967 \\ NATIONAL COORDINATORS WEEKLY RE PORT LOCAL COALITIONS The third in a series o f reg ional co fe r ences to assist l ocal communities in f o rming their own Urban Coalitions will be held in San Francisco on November 30 in the San Francisco Hilton. Th e progr~~ f o rmat will be similar t o tho s e used for the previous two success ful conferences in Chicago a nd Minneapolis, with emphas is o n "how- t o-do-it" work s h o p s. The three general sessions will feature remarks by San Francisco ayo r Shell~y and Mayo r - Elect Alioto , The Most Reverend Joseph McGucken , Kenneth Wright, Vic e President and Chief Economist of th e Li fe Insurance Association o f Americ a, California State Assemblyman John T. Knox, Bishop Donald Harvey Tippett and Frances Barnes, Vic e Pre sident of the Crown Zellerbach Cor poration and President of the Management Coun c il f or Bay Area Emp loyment Opportunity . A similar regional conference for eastern cities, orig inally set for December 11 in New York City, has been postponed because of scheduling problems to the second week of January . Yo u will shortly be advised of the exact date . PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AND URBAN LEGISLATION More than 40 Washington representatives of organization s which support the pro gram of the Urban Coalition attended a luncheon meeting in the Stat ler Hilton Hotel on November 20. Featured speaker Mayor John Lindsay of New York City stressed the necessity of a united legislative effort to move bills supported by the Coalition through Congress . Andrew Biemiller, Legislative Director of AFL-CIO, cited a case history to illustrate the positive value of business and la_bor representatives going together to call on Congressmen . Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations described National Coordinators: John Feild/ Ron M. Li;ton Telephone 293-1530 �. • 2 the growing awareness o f c hur ch gro ups o f the need to be active in publi c affairs . PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT \I On No vember 21 the Task Fo r c e on Private Empl oyment met in Detro it with the Empl o yment and Edu c ati o n Committee of the New Detro it Comm i ttee . The meeting was c ha i red by William M. Day , president o f Michigan Bell Tel eph o ne Company . In his remarks t o the gro up, Task For c e -Co -Chairman Ger ~ ld Phillippe , Chairman of the Board of the General El e ctric Company , said "As a representative of the Task Forc e on Privat e Emp :i.oyment I have been enco uraging businessmen to enter into a regular program o f ex changing i deas on this sub j ect and pit ch i ng in on useful programs t o get at s ome of these urgent needs. All se c t o rs o f the soc iety need to help ea ch o ther and we need t o j oin t o gether i n useful programs to c reate new o pportunities f o r self- realizat ion i n o ur City s l ums. " " In some c ities it would sound strange, but there is a growing fee.ling among businessmen of my acquaintance and among some of our own General Electri c plant managers that a substan tial measure o f our business success in the future is going to d epend on our ability t o help a g o od number of these hard - core unemployables b~ c ome produ c tive workers and citizens . " HOUSI NG, RECONSTRUCTION AND I NVESTMENT The Task Force met in New York on No vember 21. Twelve additional members have been recruited to work with this group. A major working paper is being developed t o guide this Task Force in develop i ng a l o ng- range pro gram. �