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The Urban Coali ion 1 Feder I Bar Building West / 1819 /-I Street, N. W . W ashington. D. C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew /-leiskell / A. Philip Randolph Novembe 24, 1967 11 NAT IONAL COORDINATORS vv"EEKLY REPORT LOCAL COALITIONS The third in a series o f region~l conferences to assist l ocal communi ties in f ormi ng th ei r m•m Urban Coalitions wi ll be hel d in San Francisco on November 30 in the San Franci s co Hilton . The program format will be similar t o those used f o r t e previous two successful conferences i n Chicago and Minneapolis, with emphasis on "h ow-to-do-it" workshops. The three general sessions will featu r e remarks b y San Franci s co r ayor Shell~y and Mayo r-Elect Alioto, The Most Reverend Jo seph McGucken, Kenneth Wright, Vic e Pre s ident and Chief Econ omist o f the Life Insurance Associ ation of Ame ri ca , California State Assemblyman John T. Kno x, Bishop Donald Harvey Tippett and Frances Barnes, Vice President of the Crown Zellerbach Corporat ion and President o f the Management Coun ci l f or Bay Area Employment Opportunity . A similar regional conference for eastern cities, originally set fo r Dec ember 11 in New York City , has been postponed because o f scheduling problems to the second week of J anuary . You will shortly be advised of the· exact date . PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AND URBAN LEGISLATION More than 40 Washington representatives of organizations which support the program of the Urban Coal ition attended a luncheon meeting in the Statler Hilton Hotel on November 20. Featured speaker Mayor John Lindsay of New Yo rk City stressed the necessity o f a united legislative effort to move bills supported by the Coalition through Congress. Andrew Biemiller, Legisl a tive Director of AFL- CIO, cited a case history to illustrate the positive value of business and labor representativ es go ing together to c al l on Congressmen . Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch of the Union o f ~..meri c an Hebrew Congregat ions described National Coordinators: John Feild / Ron M. Linton Telephone 293-1530 �2 the growing awareness of chu r c h gr oups of the need to be active in public affairs. PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT \\ On November 21 the Task Force on Private Employment met in Detroit with the Employment ancl Education Committee o f the New Detroit Committee. The meeting was chaired by William M. Day, president o f Michigan Bell Telephone Company . In his remarks to the group, Task Force- Co - Chairman Ger ~ l d Phi llip pe, Ch a irman o f t he Bo a r d o f t he Gen eral El e c t ric Company , said "As a representative of th e Task Force o n Pri vate Empl o ym ent I have been encouraging busines s men to enter into a r egul a r program of exchanging ideas on this subject and pitching in on useful programs to get at some of these urgent needs . All se c t o rs o f the soci e ty need to help each o ther and we need to join together in useful programs t o c reate new o pportunities f o r self- realizati o n in o ur Ci ty slums ." "In some cities it would sound strange, but th er e is a growi ng feel~ng among businessmen of my acquaintance and a mo~g some of our own General El e ctri c plant managers ~hat a subst a __tial measure of our business success in the future is goi ng to depend on our ability ·to help a good number o f these hard - core unemploy ables become productive workers and citizens ." HOUSING, RE CONST RUCTION AND I NVESTMENT The Ta sk Force met in Ne w York on November 21. Twe lve a ddit io na l members h a ve been rec r uited to work with this group. A ma jor working paper is being develop ed to guide this Task Force i n developing a long- range program. } �