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STRUCTURE OF ATLANTA JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION, INC. MEMBERSHIP INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS All adult contributors to Annual Campaign. ORGANIZATION MEMBERS Jewish organizations with minimum membership of so. CONSTITUENT MEMBERS Composed of local beneficiary agencies. \\ DELEGATE ASSEMBLY Composed of representatives of affiliated organizations and representatives-at-large; acts larqely as a forum body. BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 48 MEMBERS Administers and conducts the affairs of the Central Communal Agency. I OFFICERS I EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR J I EXECUTIVE CClvlMITTEE!-- I STANDING Ca.1MITTEES I DEPARTMENTS A Vice-President and a Vice~Chairman responsible for each Department. I. CAMPAIGNING AND ALLOCATIONS Plans and conducts Annual Campaign; collects and disburses funds; clearing house for fund-raising efforts directed at Jewish communitv II. Cav1MUNITY RELATIONS AND INTERNAL JEWISH AFFAIRS Combats discrimination and promotes ideals of democracy; promotes qeneral welfare of the Jewish Community; conducts Community Calendar III. SOCIAL SERVICE Conducts Jewish Family and Children's Bureau agency, Ben Massell Dental Clinic and any social welfare programs assigned to it. IV. CCMMUNITY SERVICES AND PLANNING Coordinates and promotes inter-agency cooperation; responsible for community-wide planning, fact - finding and social research in following areas: I GROUP SERVICES I I AGED CARE I I I \ (Jewish Comm.unity Center ) I (Youth Serving Orgs.) (Synagogue Youth Groups) I Institutional Care (Jewish Home) I S e rvices in Community (J.F .& CoB.) (J.C.Ce nter) (Housing anc other services) .....---------, I JEWISH EDUCATION! I I Bur. of CominJ. Ed.) unity Schools I ( I Groups !(Study of Orgs.) 7/27/67, �