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December 1. !969 Hise Grae ~lley 1015 ~ shit veuue , N. B. Atl nta, Geox-gf i 30301 leferene@:. Southel¼st Coroer of Notth Highland, N. E. d Wa1hit Avenue• N. E. Dear Mia leeUey: foT your lett•r of Nov ber 26th. on N~vember 28th ·t he \ltlder i~ d, alo~e with the AAsiet nt G~ner 1 ~n ger rf Pat'ks, ~ e ior Adm.: .n atr t1ve A ist t fol' Fe r l Ai~. the Ctty Ar rt t vt it d then ov location. '!bank yo lt w~ the co S4m us of ·Opinion th t limited ,ark pcrsonn•l nnd •qui ni CO\lld ,n ot be di rt 4 ftom are,sa already aasisn•d ae eur tesponsibilit, to i on additional reapon$ib1llties involving property ot in QYnex-ahip by tbe Dep r en_t of I' rk$ . l'urtbermor, , th 1 'f&t1<>n of dle abo11e •it• ie ~\ICh that th mere planting of gr u, tc:. would ~t enhance th• eneral area in that fi-om street lea1 it would· be vtrt Uy unnot1~ri except t tht far end of the prop,rty. J'illllll.:,,. it w..i• 1 diately ·ev1c1ent to the in1ptctien t• t if~ - orary beautification were atC411BPted n thit latge tr - ct of l • • , Q\114 baw no, r•cour - o~ei- ~an to co tinue th _ pr ctt.ce ~ro~t th ,e ntire S~m tt>untain fl,"eew y project. l o.Uy wJab that; we ha4 • f fictent va.ila.b le pover to t q,or rUy be itf7 dli• 1 catto. tlft~ation t,a ut b~lne••, but I •ay to y u t all etnc rtty that 7ou. ca atr•~ch 01\l.7 1D thin and I •fraid f t hav l'e.eh - that P,Qtnt. I •hare' wt.th you • c -- n. ·~QncerQ that y, " ptpPei-u CJllfCet~ i-e e,xpecte ta ke_e p , h · • 111 cm.abl• nditl - that th• eonatnct:l.on of th• 'ft!IW· fre•ayi wiu certunly • t!J. i ~•• lbility ., ~ difficult. t-•• Jai c. Qeiaar•l Puke