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CfTY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 October 19, 1967 IVAN AL!..EN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison Mr. A. H. Sterne, Jr., President Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Post Office Box 4418 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Dear Billy: I am sure that you are aware of the movement at the national leve l to d e velop a strong coalition of urban i nteres t s in an effort to exert more influence in national programs and priorities for · the benefit of our cities. Repres entatives of busine s s , labor, civil rights , r e ligion, education and M ayors o f urban cities have joined to gether in an Urban Coa lition to provide coordinated machinery for ge tting the s t ory of our big city problems across to the nation. I am attaching some information materials on the Urban Coalition. The s e will explain the background and goals of the national steering committee . It has been recogniz ed from the beginning that in order to b e effective, local counter-part coalitions must b e developed in all parts of the country to support these goals. It is my belief that for years Atlanta has been able to grow and prosper through an effective and informal coalition r e l ationship of business and government and with the support of the other areas of inte r es t whic h are a part of the national coalitiori effort. I b e lieve, however, that we need to recognize a little more formally the coalitions which keep our city moving and also to d evelop a local coalition relationship with the national Urb an C oalition. �Mr. Sterne Page Two October 19, 1967 \\ It is my thinking that an initial step would be for us to get together the top representatives of these key interest groups to form a local coalition steering committee and invite the participation by other organized groups. The initial steering conrrnittee could be composed of the Mayor, as chief elected official of the city, the President · of the Chamber of Commerce, the President of the Atlanta Labor Council, the President of the Atlanta Christian Council, the CoChairman of the Summit Leadership Conference, the Superintendent of public education, and the Chairman of the Citizens Central Advisory Council, who is the elected representative of participants in the Economic Opportunity program. I have drafted a statement which might be considered by this group which recognizes the need for a local coalition and endorses the declaration of principles of the national coalition. A copy of the principles of the national coalition is also attached for your consideration. By recognizing the existence of a coalition we will be able to better communicate urban problems and focus maximum resources upon their solutions. -In order that we might consider this proposal I have invited the following people to meet with me at my office at City Hall on Wednesday, October 25, at 10:00 a. m.: Mr. A. H. Sterne, President Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Rev. Samuel Williams Co-Chairmam Summit Leadership Conference Mr. Robert J . Butler, President Atlanta Labor Council �Mr. Sterne Page Three October 19, 1967 \\ Rev. Bevel Jones, President Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc. Dr. John W. Letson Superintendent Atlanta Public Schools Mr. Erwin Stevens, President Citizens Central Advisory Council Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:fy \ �