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The Urban Coalition I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 Ii Street, N. w. Washington, D. C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heiskell/ A. Philip Randolph March 21, 1968 Mr. Dan Sweat Mayor's Office City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Sweat: A good many people ask me what the difference is between the Urban Coalition and the new National Alliance of Businessmen, recently established under the leadership of Henry Ford II. I usually respond by emphasizing the two most obvious differences: 1. The Alliance is concerned solely with jobs while the Coalition is concerned with the whole range of urban problems. 2. The Alliance is strictly a businessman's venture while we include mayors, union leaders, religious and minority group leaders. But more important than the differences are the ways the Alliance and Coalition can work together. I have discussed that question with Henry Ford II, and with Mr. Leo Beebe who is on leave from the Ford Motor Company to give full time direction to the Alliance. Mr. Gerard Phillippe, Chairman of the Board of Gener al Electric and co-chairman of the Coalition's Task Force on Private Employment, joined me for the talk with Mr. Beebe . We arrived at full agreement concerning the relationship between the Alliance and the Coalition . All parties to the conversation agreed that there is a greater potential for meeting our common objectives in the employment sphere if our respective programs are carried out in a complementary fashion . We pledged full support to the NAB effort. National Coordinators : John Feild/ Ron M. Linton Telephone 293-1530 �- 2 - It is through local community leadership that both the NAB and the Urban Coalition see their respective obje~tives being accomplished. The NAB has designated a local chairman in each of fifty urban areas. It is possible that the local NAB chairman for your city is already working with you in your efforts to form a local coalition. If not, I urge that you invite his active participation in your efforts and explore with him ways in which the potential local coalition can be supportive of his efforts on behalf of the Alliance. The NAB chairman in your community is Mr. A.H. Sterne, President, Trust Company of Georgia, P.O. Box 4418, Atlanta, Georgia 30302. I look forward to our working together. Chairman �