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October 20 ,. 196 7 Dr . John W . Letson Superintendent Atlanta Public Schools 224 Central Avenue , S . W . Atlanta, Georgia 30303 De ~ John i 1 am ute that you ar aware of the movement · t th n tional level to develop strong coalition of urban interests in an eftoi"t ~o ej( tt more in!luence ln national pro gr me and priotitie 8 for the b nefit 0£ our of.tie • R pres ntatlve of business ,. labot .. civil rights , r ligion, educ tlon d M yoi- · of ~ban clti s h ve joined together in n Urban Co ition to provld coo,tdinated machin NY lor getting the stoty of our big city probl m a.croe · to the n ti.on. X am tt cht,ng eome information mated on th Urb n Co lition. Th s wW expl ln th b ckground d goals of th n · tlonal teering committe • it h . s been r cognlz d from the beginning 'th t in ol'd r to b . eliecth ,. local count t.,P i't co lition muat b _ d velop d in all pa.l't of the country to upport th e go l • lt is my b U f that for y t Atl . ha b n abl to .-ow and pro p r throl.l h an flectlv and lnforrnA]. coalition rel tionshlp ot bu. in • d gov tn ... m nt d with the uppo~ of th oth r a e of inter et which a " pal't of the national coaJ.ltlon effort. t b U.ev , ho V ft, th t w ne d to cogni llttle more form.ally th co lltlon which k e p our city movin nd also to dev lop a. loc.al coalition el ti.on• ship with th national Urban Coalition. �Dr. Letson Page Two October 20, 1967 It is my thinking that an initial step would be £or us to get together the top representatives of these key interest gl'oups to form a loc 1 coalition steering committee and invite the participation by other organiiaed groups . The initial stee,.-ing comrnJ.ttee could be composed of the Mayor, as chief elected official of the city., the President of the Chamber of Commerce , the President of th Atlanta Labor Council, the Pl'e ident of th Atlanta Chris~ C ouncil,. the Co• Chahm1.an of the Summit L adership Coniet'ence, the Superintend.ant of public education,- Wld the Chairman of the Citiz ns Centr 1 Advisory Council, who is the elected i,epl'esentative of participant in the Economic Opportunity program. I have drl.fted a statement which might be con ldet" d by this group which recognhtes the need for local coalition and endorses the declaration of princlplea of the national coalition. A copy of the principles of the n tional co ition i al o ttach d for your coneide ration. By recognizing the xistence of coalition we will be · ble to bett ~ communicate urban p:robl ma and focus maximum re ourc; s upon their solution . In orde:r that we might con ider thl ps,oposal I h ve invited the following p opl to me t with me at :my offic Wedn d y , Octobet- 25. t 10:00 • m .: at Clty Hall on Mr. A. H .. Stern , P esi.de.nt Atl nta Ch mb r of Comme,-c R v. S muel Will C o.-.Ch irman Summit L d :rship Conf t nee Mr. R obert 1. BuU ~. Pre ld nt Atlanta L bor CouncU �Dr. Letson Page Three October 20, 1967 II Rev. Bevel Jones , President Christian Council 0£ Metropolit n Atlanta , In.c. Dr . John W . Letson Superintendent Atlanta Public Schools Mr. Erwin Stevens , President Citi~ens Central Advlsoty Council Economic Opportunity Atlanta. Inc. Sincel" ly your ,. lvan Allen; JJ'. M yo1t IAJr:fy �