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October 20; 1967 Revei-end Samuel Willia.ms Co-Chah·man Summit LeadeJt. hip Confe1tence Friendship Bapti st Chui,cb 4l7 Mitchell Stre t , S . W. Atlanta. Georgia Dear Sam: lam sure that you a.T aware of the mov ment t the national level to develop a stl'ong coalitlon of urban lntei-ests In an etloi-t to exert more infiuenc inn tion progr ms d priodtles for the benefit of Ou.JI ci'ti Represent tlve of bu in s , l bor, clvil rights , r ligion 1 education and M yors of \lrb n cities hav join d tog · th l' in an Urban Coalttion o provid coordin ted ma.chin ry fo~ g Ulng the tory of our blg city problems aero s to the na.tlon. l · rn tte.ching om Wonnatlon mat,erlals on th Urban Coalition. The will explain th b ckgtound and goals of th ~tlonal te rin conunitte . It h b n recognt.z d from the be lnnlng that ln ord r to b U ctive 1. loc count I' part coalitiona muat b dev loped in ·1 pan of th · country to suppoi--i th e go • It i my bell ! that fo~ ye r Atl~ ha b n bl,, to tow d pro r through I.£ ctlve and into~ coaUtlon 't lationship of busin • and governm nt and with uppor-t of th oth I' &l' a• of int · f t which t & pa.lf·t of th n.atlonal coallUon -!fort. 1 beltev • ho v · r-, th t w n d to recopl · . little more tor-mally co•lltions which ep ou~ clty movin .-.nd al o to d v lop a loc coditlon relationhip wlth th \ion.al Urban Coalition. �R e verend Williams Page Two October 20 , 1967 It is my thinking that .an initial step would be for us to get togeth r tho top repi-e entatlve$ of these key inte re t groups to form a local coalition ate ring committee d invite the participation by othe:r organized groups . The initial steering committee could be c omposed of the Mayor , as chief elected official of the city. the President of the Chamber of Commerce,,_ the P~e ide,n t of the Atlanta L ,b o~ Council , th President of the Atlanta Christian Co1;m.cll , the Co• Ch bma.n of the Summit Lead rship Conference~ the Superintend nt of public educ tion~ and th Chairman of th Citizens Centi' Adviao~y Council, who i the elected repJ'esentative of particlp in the Economic Oppo,;tunlty progi-am. ts 1 have drafted e ternent which might be conoidered by this group which recognii,; a, then , d for local coaUtton d endo:r es th decl tion of p ln,ciplee of the tional co - ltion. A copy of the of the nation co iltion i also ttachcd foT your ·cone de:t tion. i- principle By r c:ognidn th communlc t urb th ir solution • exi tenc pl'obl ms co U.tion will b ble to b tt ind tocu · mPimum r sourc~ u - of In order th t w rnight con idet" thl p;ropo~ I h · v lnvl d th following p opl to meet with me t my oW.c at City H on Wcdne d y , Oetober ZS. at lOiOO • m.; Mr.: A . H. St rne, P ld nt tlant Chamb t of Commerce Rev. Samu 1 Willlanua C o -Ch tl'lnan Summit Lead r,hip C M • Rob r J. Butl *'• Pn ld nt U _ ta L bot C ouncil �11•= =-------..-:---;:,r,.1==~-=:c,:,n-=-""""'"'"""_______________c:ga_ _ _ __ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.., Reverend Williams P age Three October 20, 1967 Rev . Bevel Jones . Prttsident Christian Council of Metropolitan Atl taa Inc . Dr. John W. Letson Superintendent Atlanta Public Schools Mi . Erwin Stevens, President Citizens Central Adviso:t;'y Council ~conomic Opportunity Atl nta, l,nc . Sincet'ely yours . lv n All nt Mayor lAJr:£y Jr. �