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Octobe,: 20; 1967 Mr. Robert J . Butler President Atlanta Labor CouncU 250 Tenth Street, N. E . Atlanta, Georgl~ De r Bob :. l am a u.te th t you ai.-e aware of the mov ment t the n tional level to develop s ong coalition of urba?J. lntet"ests in an effol't to exert more influence ln national pi-ograme and priori.ti s for th bene!lt of our cities . Representatives of bu inesa, 1 bor,. civil rights, religion, education nd Mayor of Ut'ban cltl~s have joined togethe~ in Urb Co lition to p:rovlde coordinated ma.chine1y for getting th story of our big city problems across to the nation. I am tt ching som info tlon mat rial on th Ui-ban Coalition. The e will e,xpl in the background nd goa.l oj th n tional st ring committee , It ha be n recognized from tb beginning that in ord r to b effectiv , local count r .. p rt co lition mu t b developed in all . p rte of the country to upport th se o s. It i my b 11 f th i for ye r Atl nt h s b ·n able to grow d pro p through n ffec:tiv and inform. · coalltlon rel tlon hlp ot bu in s nd ov tn• ment and with th upport of th oth r re s of int rest which r , p rt of th n tlonal co itlon effort. 1 b li" v • bowev r ,. th t w n d to r . co¢~e little mor formally th coalition• which ki p ou.r city moving d also to develop 1oc co Ution rel tlon .. hip with th . Urban Coalition, �Mr . Butler Page Two October 20, 1967 It is my thinking that an initial step would be for us to get togethet" the top representatives of these key inteJ."est groups to form a local coalition steering committee and invite the participation by other organized groups . The initial steering committee could be cornpos d of the Mayor, as chief elected official of the dty, the P:resident of the Chamber of Commerce, the Piesident of the Atlanta Labor Council , the President of the Atlanta Christian C ouncil , the CoChairman of the Sujunit Leadership Conference,, the Superintendent of public education, and the Chairman of the Citizens Central Advisory Council, who is the elected representative of patticip nts in the Economic Opportunity program. I have drafted statern nt which might be conside:red by this group which recognizes the n ed for a local coalition and endo:tses the declar tion of principles 0£ the national coalition. A copy of th pri.n ciples of the nation coalition is also ttached for you.r con ider ti.on. By recognizing the existence of co lition we will be ble to bett r conununic te urban problems and focu maximum r sapce · upon th h~ · olutione ~ In order that we might consider th" propo all h ve invited th following people to m et with m.e t my office t City H 11 on W dne d-,y., October 25, t 10:00 • m.: Mr. A . H . Stern , Pre id nt Atl ta Chambel' of Comm rce Rev . S mu.el Williams Co-Ch irman Su.mrnlt Le d r hip Conle11 nc · Mri Robert J. Butl l', P:r sident Atlanta L bot Council �Mr. Butler Page Thl'ee October 20, 1967 Rev·. Bevel J ones, President Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta,, Inc. Dr . John W . Letson Superintendent Atl ta P ublic S chools Mr. Erwin Stevens , P,:esident Citizens Cent:ral Advisory Council Economic Opportunity tlanta •. Inc . Since11ely yours , Iv n Allen. Jr. M yol' IAJr,fy �