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The urban Coalition I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 H Street, N. W. Washing t on , D. C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co-ch airmen : Andrew Heiskell/ A. Philip Randolph \1 MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE STEERING COMMITTBE, THE WORKING COMMITTEE, AND THE TASK FORCE ON LOCAL COALITIONS FROM: JOHN FEILD--RON LINTON, NATIONAL COORDINATORS SUBJECT: GUIDELINES FOR FORMING LOCAL COALITIONS A working group of the Task Force on Local Coalitions developed the attached Guidelines for Forming Urban Coalitions Nationwide. This version is a result of a series of meetings of the Task Force working group and a series of redrafts. National Coe,rdinafors : John Feild/ Ron M . Linton Telephone 293-1530 �