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- ~ - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - February 13, 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Dan Sweat Subject: Urban Coalition ln d termining wh ther not a formal "Urban Co:hlition" should be stablished in Atlanta, I fe 1 the following points should be cons idered : 1. 2. oi- The National Urban Coalition will apparently be a key communications link to the Nixon Administration. Wh r as in the pa t, the h vlly Democratic dominated National League of Citi s and U. S. Conf r nee . o1 Mayors hav enjoyed k y position in national administration affairs , they might not h v quite th mu cle with the Republicans. John Gardner do .s h v • It i funnel bundantly cl ar that the Nixon A dministration intends to many \irba.n progr - ms as possible through th prlvat , business ctor. Thi will l"equir sol'Ile o:rt of coordination mong business nd government at the loc: l lev 1 and m · tro level. 3. Th r probably Ul b a greater n d and d mand for n identifi bl loc:al coalition ft t you 1 ve th offie oi Mayor. Th next Mayo't c - i,t inly won't b th le d r of th "pow l' tructur " nd prob bly not ev -n . m mb r of lt. 4. lf a 1"• 1 coalition ls foirmed, it mu t be done by the " pow r struetul°' and upport d by th v · ty top leadership. 5. nlngful coalition should att mpt to et metro r p~. -nt tlon. U it ta to s t the J'ul a for th city in th £utur it mu t b · a.r d t lnflu nee a.nn~ tlon, dlsp rs d hou in , pl nnin fot industry, A tn tr n po~tatlon. te. 11 �Mayor Allen Page Two February 13, 1969 II 6. Someon~ should look into the Winston ..Salem Urban C oalition. They have already raised $1. 7 million for coalition activities, plus some $2 . 5 million for a Housing Development Corporation. I understand they met the other day and raised $120,000 for summer programs. If we had just a fraction of that kind of money to 11 sell I projects, we could multiply it many £old . 7. I envision an Urban Coalition whose membership would consist of ev-ery organization wlehing to identify with it and which would get together as a whole at one big annual dinner . A small executive committee of power st!l:'ueture "statesmen" would set the policies and priorities between annual meetings and communicate to the community thi-ough a small high powered stafi. DS :fy �