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THEA _TER OF P.11. Bd,l' lll¢tf THE ~TAR~ ATL AIYTA, /JEdR/JI A J(IJl/5 April 15, 1969 Mayor Ivan Allen 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Thursday at noon we will officially announce that the new Company Theater Of The Stars, Inc., is in business and will present six musi~als this summer. On ~ wish ~o per~onally thank you for your early and immediate assistance in getting this new Company formed and off the ground. It could not have happened without your help. For the community and for myself personally, thank you very much. I hope you can be in town Tuesday, the 8th of July and officially kick us off.


Christopher Bo Manos Producer CBM:lh // Cll'IC A'dtf l'RdFI T tJRd/1#1 ZIIT/d# �