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MECH AN ICSVI LLE MESSENGER JULY 1969 ISSUE NO Newsletter Supplies Area Informal ion M .C . Program Involves Citizens The Mechanicsville Messenger will be the official means of gett i n g i n formation about t he neighbo rhood t o t h e residents of Me chanicsville. It will be publi shed b y the Me chanicsvi l le Ne ighborhood Coo rdi n a ting Pl a nning Commi ttee wor k ing with Har land Bartho l omew a nd As s ocia t e s, pl a n ning c onsulta n ts f or the ne i ghbo r hood. Mechanicsville is one of si x neighborhoods which make up the Atlanta Model Cities Area . Although it is -sma ll in size, it includes the mo st peop l e of any o f the six neighborhoods. The success o f ne ighborhoo d i mprovement will depend on t h e interest and suppor t of the res i dents. This Newsletter will be. the best sou rce of information concerning the Mechanics v i lle parts of the Model Citie s Program. It will inform the people as to wh a t is being done and will help them in their efforts to take par t . Eve ry issue should be read carefully by every resident with an int erest in his neighborhood. In this way, the citi zens of Mechanicsvil le may take a useful part i n the improve me nt of the neighborhood. The Committee plans to mail the Messenger to residents of Mechanicsville once each month . 1 The Model Ci t ies Pr ogram h a s one ma jor o b jective: to fac e the ma ny differe nt kinds o f problems o f urban living in order to increase h uma n opport u nity and enjoyment. · The program is intended t o rebuild the worn- ou t f&cilities. It is intended to increase the supply of hou sing fo r l ow and mode rate income f amilies . It is intende d to i n crease the earni ng p ower of the people through training and expanded job opportunities. It is intended to provide the needed public facilities such as parks, scho ols, s t reets and u tilities. In short, the program is intended to provide an environment for good living related to the n e eds and desires of the residents. To accomplish these goals requires cooperative effort - of the citizens, of the city of the Model Cities staff, of the ·Atlanta Housing Authority and of professional planners assisting in the work. �Consultant Action Mr. Joe Ross represents the planning consultant , Harland Bartholomew a nd Associates . His work wi th the Committee will include : A survey of possible 1970 acquisition areas A relation of areas chosen to the overall improvement plan and preparation of necessary maps and reports . Other consultants , such as economists , appraisers and architects will also be used. Agencies At VJork Planning Committee The urban rene wal progr am in Me chanics vi lle involve s the work o f several g r oups and i ndividual s. The f irst is the Model Cities Administr~tion wh i ch operates as a separate part of the city. Making use of a planning consultant and working with the residents, the Model Cities Program (MCP) prepares plans and submits them to the Atlanta Housing Authority. The MCP al s o provi des a means of hearing individua l problems and recomme n dations . Th e Atlanta Housing Aut hority's rol e i s that of action and assistance. It is th e AHA's res po ns i b ility to carry o u t the p l ans. It als o gi ve s assist ance in relocation and o th e r problems . The City of Atlanta is, of cour s e , the final authority The City pays one-third of th e cost and provides other types of services. Th e Planning Dep a r tmen t will insure that the 1 97 0 activities agre e with the 1983 Mode l Citi e s Pl a n. The Neighborhood Coordinating Planning Committee is mad e up of the heads of operating committees under the Model Cities Program and the Advisory Council. These are r es idents and ·businessmen of Mechanicsville. This committee is the di r ect contact with the consultants and the Mode l Cities staff. Any qu e stions of residents shou ld be discussed with them. The commi t tee~ responsibil i t i es are : 1. To keep a ll r e s i dents info r med of e xisti ng and planned ac t ivities . 2. To e n coura g e a ctive particip a ti o n in meetings and by ques t ions and comments to make this participation meaningful. 3 . To encourage every resident to help in planning. 4. To furnish the means for the residents to be heard in all phases of the urban renewal process. The committee will provide ideas or proposals to ward the solution of existing problems . �i PROJECT OFF ICE The Atlan ta Housing Auth o r ity ' s Office in Model Cities is known as the Mod el Cities Neig h b orh ood Development Program Area Office . This o f fice is r espon sib le for carrying out the physi6al imp l emen t a ti on of the plan t hat the Model City Planning Off ice has develop e d, i n c ooperation with the many citi z en p a rti cip a t ion gro ups . The Mo del Citie s Neighborhood De v elopment Program Area Office has t,vo separ ate sec t ions . Th e first is charged with the responsi bil ity of satis f actor i ly relocating the residents and busine ss e s f rom t hose are as that a r e scheduled to be cleared a nd redeveloped int o a t ruly model residential communi t y. The o ther sectio n is concerned wi th t h e remodeling o f those strtic t ure s that ar e wi t h in t he designated rehabilitation areas . This i n clude s a n a ctual inspection of each dwelling a n d t he prepar a t i on of a li s t of needed repairs. In many c as e s fin a n c ial assistan ce i s avai l a b l e through either the Lo an or Grant Program. The Rehabilitat i o n Advisor follows t he cons t ruction from beginn ing to end, i n s pec ting e ach step to assure the h ome owne r o f r e c e iving compl ete value fo r his doll a r i nveste d. The Mo de l Cities Ne i g hbo r hood Development Project Office is presently lo c ated in r oom 141 o f t he Martin Lu ther King Memorial Hig h Ris e for the e lderly a t 53 0 McDanie l Str eet, s.w . , one block o ff Ge o r gia Av e nue. The t e lepho n e n umbe r is 523 - 024 5 . On J u ly 15th t h e o ffice will b e moving to its new and permanent address, 683 Capitol Avenue, S.W. a t t h e corner of Georgia and Ca p itol Avenue . Our n ew telepho ne n umber will b e 523 - 5851. For f uture r e f ere nce, l is t e d b e low are the d epartme ntal Superv is o rs. W. R. Wilkes, Jr . Thomas Walker Wa l t er W. Reid R.C . Littlefield Miss Dorothy MoonC.V. Dickens - Pr o ject Di rec t o r As s t . Proj ect Director F amily Services Consultant Supervisor Rehab i l i t ation Super visor Secre tary Financial Advisor �MRS. EVA GLOVER Mrs. Glover's primary interest is making Mechanicsville a better place for family life. Although she was born in &parta, Georgia , she has lived in the Mechanicsville area since 1925. She was a strong force in organizing local support for the Community Center and is active in its operation. Besides her work on the Advisory Council , Mrs. Glover is chairman of the Relocation Committee, serves on the Program Committee and sings in the choir at St. Paul's AME Church. Mrs. Glover campaigned hard MRS , GLOVER TALKS WITH for her election to the Council because she knew she could do a good job for the committee, ONE OF HER NEIGHBORS which she has been doing. ABOUT THE NEI GHBORHOOD, Participation The Model Cities Program dep e nds o n citiz e n participation. Thi s action is three fold. The resident is re sponsi~ b le for taking an interest in his n e ighborho9d. He can read t h is Ne wsletter and others following, and he can talk wi th th e members of the Adv i s o r y Council f rom his block. The se a re l isted on page four. The Ne i g hborh ood Coordinating P l a nning Committee will keep t h e resident i nformed. It will d istribu te information to the r e sid e n t; for e x ample, thi s Ne wsle tte r. The cons ulta nts provide the technical servi ces needed in working out a plan with the residents. The cons u l tant will work with the Committee and the Advisory Counci l a s well as other groups. - p R 0 f· I L Renewal Activities In the summer of 1968 the Model Cities staff began meeting with citizens and the Neighborhood Coordinating Planning Committee from Mechanicsville. When the Model Cities application -was funded by the Federal Government it inc luded three and a half blocks in Mechanicsville for acqui sition during 1969. Two blocks bounded by Windsor, Fulton, Formwalt and Richardson. One block bounded by Richardson, Cooper, Crumley and Windsor. One half block o n the eas t side of Formwalt between Georgia and Glenn. Planning for 1970 activities was begun in May 1969. On June 23, the first meeting of the committee was held with t he planni ng consultant. REVEREND M.M. THOM AS p R 0 F I L E E Reverend Thomas grew up in Jackson, Georgia and later moved to Atlanta. He has lived in Mechanicsville for the past 15 years. Reverend Thomas is employed by the LockheedGeorgia Company in Marietta. His spare time is divided among his family and his two churches, the Sardis Baptist Church and the Shoal Creek Baptist Church in Pike County. In spite of this busy schedule, he finds time to serve on the Advisory Council. Reverend Thomas has shown himself to be willing and anxious to work for the improvement of living conditions in Mechanicsville. REVEREND THOMAS RELAXES IN HIS SPARE TIME �r -. ' Mechanicsville Neighborhood Coordinating Planning Comm ittt;!e Mrs . Alyce Nixon, Vice Chairman 703 Cooper Street, SW 524-4920 ADVISORY COUNCIL Rev . Simon Shuman Miss Doris Thomas Rev . B . J . Johnson Mrs. Ann Childs Mrs. Janie Lowe Mrs. Bessie Aaron Mr. William Gaston Rev. W. L. Finch Mrs. Emma Rose Mrs. Ma ttie Compton Rev . J . H. Grames Rev . J.H . Loc k ett Mrs. Beatri ce Goode n Rev . L . C. Clack Mr . Arth u r L . Hodges Mrs . L . M. Thomps on Mrs . Ernestine Hurley Mrs . Bessie Ke lley Mr s . Dorothy J e n k i ns Mr s . Dor oth y La wrence Mrs . Lu cy Hall Re v . M. M. Thomas Rev . T . R. Jones Mrs . Ev a Glover Mr s . Hattie Mos ley Rev . L. M. Terr i ll 428 Hightower Road, NW 4 01 Rawson Street , SW 388 Glenn Street , SW 620 Ira Street, SW 623 Ira Street , SW 74 Whiteford Ave nue , NE 465 Pryor Street , SW 465 Pryor Str ee t , SW 563 Cooper Str eet , SW 56 7 Cooper Street, SW 740 Amber Place , NW 606 Pryor Street, SW 637 Pulliam Street , SW 5 91 Pulliam Street , SW 69 8 Crew Street , SW 2 23 Bass Str eet , SW 2 9 4 Bass Str e et, SW 70 9 Pryor Street , SW 25 2 Hendri x Str eet , SW 194 Hendri x S t ree t , SW 74 0 Centr al Stre e t , SW 931 Fo r t r e ss Stree t , SW 1437 Murry Street , SE 675 Ira Street, SW 374 Bass Street , SW 6 06 McDaniel Street , SW 5 24-2 36 8 521-1271 523-4056 5 22 -276 2 523-4930 523-4 930 5 21-0244 322-3695 755- 4862 52 4 -5160 5 23-7054 5 24 - 1 87 0 5 2 5 - 97 5 5 688 -8 821 5 24 - 0062 CHAIRMEN OF OPERATING COMMITTEES Mrs . Mrs . Mrs. Mrs . Mrs . Mrs . Bertha Barton Carrie Berry Rosa Burney Dor o thy Finney Eva Glov er Annie Ruth Newton Mechanicsvi ll e Messenger 1 700 Commerce Drive , N. W. Suite 111 Atlanta , Georgia 30318 260 721 7 12 803 675 528 Bass Street , SW Coope r Street , SW Garibaldi Street , SW Cooper Street , SW Ira Str ee t , SW We lls - Street, SW #1590 525 - 8 919 525 - 3903 521 - 2118 524 - 753 7 688 - 8821 577 - 5 0 4 4 BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE 3 . Be PAID Atlanta, Georgia Permit No . 1089 �