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s WN PRIDE THIS NEWSLETTER COMES TO YOU FROM YOUR PEOPLESTOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE ISSUE NUMBER 3 PEOPLES TOWN AUGUST 1969 PLAN PRESENTED Twice in three weeks, the Mt. Nebo Baptis t Church, corner of Martin and Haygood Streets, played host to Mas s Meetings called by the Peoplestown Planning Committee. Re side nts turned out to hear Planning Committee Members and their Con s ulta nts report on the longrange and 1970 planning for the Model Peoples town Neighborhood . THE LONG-RANGE PLAN FOR PEOPLESTOWN At the July 8th mee t ing, the recommended land us e plan for Peop l estown was unveiled. There was general agreement that the proposals d e veloped by the Planning Committee and Urba n Research should become the long-range Plan for Peoples town. Many questions were asked by the Peoplestown residents. Streets and street conditions were a major concern. The P lan calls for wide ning Haygood Avenue and Farrington Avenu e . A n ew road would be built to connect these t wo streets to provide Peop l es town with direct and improved access to Hill S treet. No time tab l e has been made for this improvement. OTHER NEW STREETS The long- range p l an proposed s olutions to the problems of dead-end and narrow streets that residents have complained about. One-way, loop streets are proposed for the Dunning Stree t, Linam Street, Fern Avenue and Violet Street area. The widening of Martin Street was a l so included in the long-range plan. The e xtension of Vani ra Street or Tuskegee Street to Hill Street is also being considered. MORE SPACE FOR PARKS AND SCHOOLS Expansion of existing parks and schools and the addition of new facilities are proposed in the Plan. Both S tanton .Park and Stanton El ementary School are expected to expand their grounds. This would bring Stanton P a rk up to City standards for neighborhood parks a n d provide much needed play s pace for the Stanton School area. 1970 PEOPLESTOWN ACTIVITY AREAS DISCUSSED What s hould be accomplished in 1970 was the main topic of discussion at the J uly 29 th meeting. The Planning Committee and Consultants pres ented two small clearance areas and one large rehabilitation area to be scheduled for attention in 1970 . The proposals were favorably received and will now be discussed with City agencies. About forty boys and girls atte nding the July 29th meeting indicated tha t more recreation faci liti es are needed in the wes tern portion of Peoplestown. This matter will be seriously considered by the Planning Committee . Residents assisting with the presentation included Mrs. Christine Cook, Rev. L.W.Hope, Mrs. Martha Weems, and Mr. Willis Weems. Deacon Charles Cook presided at both me e tings. A MAP OF THE RECOMMENDED 19 70 ACTIVITY AREAS APPEARS INSIDE. �THE FACTS ABOUT CLEARANCE & REHABILITATION AREAS IN YOUR NEfGHBORHOOD IF YOU LIVE IN AN AREA WHERE HOUSES WILL BE ACQUIRED AND CLEARED: IF YOU LIVE IN AN AREA WHERE THE HOUSES WILL BE REHABILITATED: • You don't have to move right away! • • You will get a reasonable price for your property. Don't do any major remodeling until a rehabilitation advisor from the Atlanta Housing Authority comes to see you. • Architectural serves are available through the Atlanta Housing Authority. • Rehabilitation grants and loans are available. • Don't become the victim of an unethical contractor. Talk to your rehabilitation advisor first. • You will get moving expense money. • A relocation man will help you find another house or apartment. • Your next house or apartment will be in good condition. • A relocation man will help you get money for better housing. WHEN YOU DECIDE TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY, CALL YOUR REHABILITATION ADVISOR. THE ATLANTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HAS EXPERIENCED RELOCATION PEOPLE TO HELP MAKE YOUR MOVING AS EASY AS POSSIBLE. CALL YOUR RELOCATION MAN TO GET ALL THE CORRECT INFOR:~ATION. Don't sign a contract for home impro v ements until it is app roved by y our reh ab ilita tion adv iso r. The Atlanta Housing Author ity will get estimates from several reliabl e con tractors. You and your adv iso r can decide which one will giv e y ou th e most for y our money . Don't listen to rumors--let the relocation man help you. That is his job! If you have any questions, call the members of y our Planning Committee whos e name s are listed in the first two newsletters. Or call one of th e se sup ervi sor s at the Model Cities Neighborhood Dev elopment Program Are a Of fi ce. The ir number is 523-0 245 before September 1st. After September 1st , call 5 23-5851 W. R. Wilkes , Project Director Thomas Walker, Assistant Project Director Walter Reid, Family Serv ices Co nsultant Su oervi sor R. C . Littlefield , Re habili tati on Supervisor C. V. Di ckens , Fi nanc ia l Advi s or Miss Doro t hy Moon, Secreta ry I F YOU RENT , PLEASE SHOW THIS NEWSLE TTER TO YOUR LANDLORD. BE HAPPY TO SEND HIM A COP Y, IF WE RECE I VE HI S ADDRESS . 2 WE WOULD �Here's The Information You Asked For A Progress Report On 1969 Peoplestown Activity Areas AS OF THE SECOND WEEK OF JULY, 1969 ~,----,I ~ ' ATLANTA ____.I I_ ____.I L AVE. SITE NUMBER ~ _J ...J ...J <( z z Sixteen ( ]6 ) of the p arcels h ave been p urchased and an option h as been taken on one r ema ining parcel. Twenty-two dwe l lin g units wi ll b e c o n? tructe d for low a nd mode r ate income f ami l i e s . Eigh t o f t he hou s e s are e xpec ted to be r e ady f or occupancy b y December 1, 1969.


0 u SITE NUM BER 69C5T10 Eight een parce l s are s c hedule d for acquisition a nd clear ance in ] 969 . 3 69C4 s. �RECOMMENDED PEOPLESTOWN ACTIVITY AREAS FOR 1970* SOUTHE:AST Clearance EXPRESSWAY Area Thirteen buildings will be acquired and cleared from this site during 1970. The land will be used for temporary housing until such time as development of low and moderate income housing is feasible. Property owners and tenants who move before they are con tacted by the Housinq Authority could lose out on relocation assistance and benefits. Sit tight until you hear from the Housing Authority. Rehabilitation t-= Cl) t-= Cl) STADIUM GEORGIA AVE. Area This area contains 99 buildings will be scheduled for rehabilitation treatment during 1970. Where rehabilitation is not feasible, buildings will be acquired and cleared. The Atlanta Housing Authority is prepared to assist property owners to rehabilitate their buildings. Grants and low-interest rate loans are available to all who qualify. During 1970 the Housing Authority will contact property owners in this area. z l- L a: ct ORMOND

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[ ST. Y!H " ' ATLANTA .,,-: ( ..-----,r AVE. Clearance Area Fourteen buildings will be acquired and cleared from this site to make room for development of low and moderate income housing. Property owners and tenan ts will be contacted by the Housing Authority in 1970. Don't move until you hear from the Housing Authority next y ear! ...J t - - - - - 1 1-,.....__ ,__._--J • Although the activities on this map are recommended for 1970, limited funds and time could delay some o f the activities until after 1970 . 0 t - - - - --.1 1 i---11----1 Q. r---.1---J ~ r--..11..--1.iJ--~II--..J Clearance I I 7 HAYGOOD - AvE_1r- Rehabilitation GR APHICS 4 5 BY : URB AN RESEARCH Ill DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES , IN C. �WHAT KIND OF NEW HOUSING SHOULD COME TO PEOPLESTOWN ? The new housing to be built in Peoplestown may take many forms. Some of it will b e SING LE-FAMILY housing . We will have some new TOW N HOUSES , Some interesting HIGH-RISES, And GARDEN APARTMENTS. 6 �NOTES AND QUOTES _FROM PEOPLESTOWN Some very intere sting statements are made at meetings called by the Peoplestown Planning Committee. The Committee would like to share some of them with people who could not attend the meeting. JOHN A. WHITE, Director of the Stanton Park Recreation Center,had this to say at a Mass Meeting. "The Recreation Center is like a new neighbor in Peoplestown. When you move into a community, there's something y our neighbors can do to make you feel wanted. Right now I don' t fe el wanted because we don't have very much participation f rom the community, other than the kids." (Ed-U:on: I 6 you have.n't 1.ie.e.n the. new Re.c.Jte.a.,t,,i,on Ce.nt~ BtLU.cung, mak. e. up yOM mind to VA./.J ,Lt ,Lt -6 OOn. It 1 -6 woMh 1.i e.ung and hM many pnogMm6 to 066~-) REV. DAVIS , Communi t y Or ganize r f or the Atlanta South Si de Compreh e nsive Health Center , called a problem to the atte ntion of the Planning Committee. " What can b e done about the junkyard on Capitol Ave nue? We've been working on this p roble m without much luck . With t h e Health Ce nter a c r o s s from it, something will have to be don e about i t . " (Ecuton: The. Pl ann.,Lng Committe.e. WM glad t o have. ~ pnoblem bnought out into t he. ope.n. The. Plan no!t Pe.opl u town w,i,U inc..lude. 1.i tanda.Jr.d6 to p!tote.c;t the. pubu c. 61tom un1.iighily 1.itoMge.. ) REV. HOPE, Me mber of the Peoplestown Planni n g Committee . "If we're goi ng t o have a Mode l Ci t y Pr o g ram, I b eli e v e it is n ecessary for u s to have s ome safe side wa l ks , n ot only for the chi l dren but for adults too. The re are some f ellows who try to make speedways out o f t h e s t reet s tha t are v e ry narrow. It is n ecessary that s idewalks b e p l aced on these streets to protect t h e r es idents. " EARL WEEMS, Member of the Peop l estown Planning Commi ttee. "Regardless of what this P lanning Committee does , it can ' t satisfy everybody. I hope e v eryon e rea li zes that something has to be done in Peoplestown. You either have to change with the times or ge t trampled." 7 �SPOTLIGHT ON THE AGENCIES ATLANTA SE RVING SOUTHS-IDE HEALTH YOU COMPREHENSIVE CENTER Ridge Avenue, Peoplestown ~!; ~~::~;~:; :~:~;~;:~~;;:~; ~~;i<JN~:~i.~ ·. health centers in the entire United ·:··al.··.:·:.:.:·..·:·. ·..·;.:·oa~:·..:· .:.:~.·;: :~ ] ~;~:~: ••• /3.~~f{f.;{ff):::-- ·.: -_:···:_-.· :\_///: You doii.i::f . even have li tt);~}(bnes get tin Cent~i:/ is equippe Se¢-l iiciri staffed by f t_d.)(i:iike good care of / j ~:ti) are visiting wit ·.· · ·.·.···· · U /¥.l \ou don, t have a /:/


Of course, the perseverance .q:f ;i-{r{:~ {./t;iace Barksdale' s Health Sub - c-oinmitt.ee/ 6:E the Central Advisory Councu.·iielp~d\ that miracle along quite a p±.f/ )i}:i(s}Gi-ace tells it the Cammi ttee "J'i:iiiit:: d.l:°i:ln.1 rest until it' knew that t);J:~ would get pulled at tb¢}#.ew/ /¢.J i:n_p·rehensive Health Center Bui}1f#.i < \ //{/<: .·.·:·. ·:·:·:·: .· .:.· ..--'·"..:..:.:·.;..·:·_

. · _ _ _


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the Center Is is even pre-



eD~~=c143.215.248.55 16:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)

~a::=t~~ nd; abou t that prob l e m. If y ou call th e Ce n ter, they wi l l arrange f o r one of th e ir d r ivers to call When you , e ready to lea v e , for you. you will be delivere ': back to y our home.

?:::t.~;r;;\s services by . say ing,

.·.·.·.-·.·.·.·.·· ,

/:.':~We ve got e very thing fr om

j/!ie diatri c Doc t ors to Podiatrists on our staff." We are just as prepared to h e lp the arthritis victim cope with this problem as we're preparect to fit eyeglasses and diagnose ear, nose problems. ·.w



o worry aBJJt \ .t he

) in the way. ":::··· ·:~:ll e ·:: with a Chilcl\ C:.iire

ks who are triiri~.d

i:· our children wfi{ i ( >. \ the doctor. . ·./·.":.:

·.·· >\

of getting t6/ ) t h e Heal th \ ( Center all ·-::;




-<Ma~tn;i : weeims, ~:;l~:?t.•. and throat YOU'RE IN FOR A SURP THE CENTER FOR THE offices and rooms ar cheeriest colors you whole place is as Can you believe it? If you live south of Georgia Avenue in the Peoplestown or Summerhill Neighborhoods, and can qualify under the OEO income guidelines, all the services of the Health Center are available at NO COST TO YOU. There isn't even a charge for medicine; and a Pharmacist is on duty to serve you whenever the Center is open . And the Staff just We're sure you'll your neighbors beca an educational unit munity residents who bers of the Center ' s

,: ,; '•


' !;,, i',, ,: ,, Why not take advanta '; services? Plan to ge •',, registered now !


If y o u qualify for se r vices at the Compreh e n sive Heal t h Center , all y ou have to do is regis t e r . The Health Ce n ter staff will t ake i t f r om t h e r e and see that you recei\e the kind o f help y ou ne e d . ,, 8 '• ,,

SE WHEN YOU VISIT FIRST TIME . The th e brightest and an imagine. The ty as a picture . uldn't be nicer . cognize some of e the Cente r has r training comen become mem taff . the Center ' s whole family �