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TLANTA VOL. I NO.' 3 OFFICIAL MODEL CITIES PAPER ·- 673 CAPITOL AVE., s~w. ATLANTA, GA • . I WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN MODEL CITIES IN 196Q �CLEARANCE. ~•WHERE? 19 69 MOST OF THE HOUSES IN THE ARE~S SHOWN BELOW WILL BE BOUGHT BY THE ATL~NTA HOUSING AUTHORITY TO HELP MODEL CITIES GROW. WHY ARE THE HOUSES BEING TORN DOWN _ Our neighborhoods are too crowded ; there aren't enough p a rks ; and the playg roun ds at the schools a re t oo s mall. The streets a r e too n arrow and many of the houses are dangerous h ealth hazards •. Some houses 111us t be torn down to make Lvom fo r wider streets, more parks, larger playgrounds, more and better schools, and to rid the community of the dangerous health hazards. Some areas ne e d more complete shopping areas. New homes and apartments will be built on much o f the land the Housing Authority will buy. Th ese homes will be available first to residents of Model Ci ties and will not cost more money than Model Cities r esidents can pay. HOW IT BE BOUGHT 1'wo independent p rof e ssior .a1 p roperty appra i s ers will t ell the Hous i ng Authori tv what your prop erty i s wor tn. The Fe deral Government will look at the s e appraisals and t~ll the Hous ing Authority how muc h y o u con be paid for your prope rty. A ma n from the Hous ing Authority will offer y o u this much mone y for y our land. If y ou do not think this is e nough money, t h e law provide s a way f or you to appe a l the price . 1 .> <(¥rJ GLE NN W HAT HAPPENS TO THE PEOPLE I f you own your home, and it is bought by the Hou s i qg Authority, you will be eligible for up to $5,000 in addition to the money you receive for your home to help you buy another home. You w'i ll not be put out on the street. A Relocation Man will come t o help you find .a good place to live that you can pay for DO NOT MOVE UNTIL HE COMES. Your mover will be paid b y the Housing Author ity. Or, if you want to ·move yourself, the Authority will pay you. The relocation man will help you until you are settled. · Some families, who want t o live in the new house s built where their old h ouse was, will be moved i nto comfortaple, modern, t emporary homes in their neighborhood until the n2w hous e s are f i nished. ST. I I I I I I r.1: - STEPHENS §. ,._ ... - - •- ~- ': I i I I .I I s I . I. ! , r~ t~ --, ~~ 1 f· ·. -·---- ~-

. Utb-d : .s T. DON'T M OVE UNTI L YOU CALL YOUR RELOCATION MAN 523-0245 �. ---·-··· ... ... . .- OR.M.EWOOD- -'-'.;?'F = south & -Ea~ B ·- · ' --= .:::- ,., . oundory . : /,'/ / ----. _J ~ l- ti ~l I ~ · \J HOW .L THIS HAPPEN ~ will be held in ~hborhood. A r eh a pn Man from the Ho u sing Authority t the meeting to ur questions and h e program. He and l ook at your Be wi ll tell you h o u se needs and HAT YOU WANT FOR AVE. . AV£ . WHO PAYS FOR IT If you earn 1ess than $3,000 each year, you may be able ~o get a grant of up to $3,000 maximum to help fix up your house. If you cannot get this money or need more money, the rehabilita-tion man can help you borF OW more money. If you e arn more than $3,000 each year, the rehabilitation man may be able to get a s mall grant based on income and help you borrow the r est of the money to fix your house. ~ ·rhe rehabilitation man will help you find a builder who will fix your house .right and make sure that he ·does it. WHAT ABOUT BUSINESS Businesses located in the rehabilitation areas are eligible under .certain conditions for rehabilitation loans at low interest rates . For information call the Moqel Cities NDP office : ~30 McDaniel Street , S.W. 523 - 0245 E. He will help e wha t you can do money you have. al s o h e lp you get y. ON YOUR HOUSE UNTIL YOU CALL YOUR REHABILITATION MAN 523 · 0245 ... I �WHAT ABOUT THE · REST OF MODEL CITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ·What . about 1971, 1972 ' 1973? What about 1970 ? SEE FUTURE ISSUES OR CALL 523-0245 . SEE FUTURE ISSUES OR CALL 523-0245 Others in Model Cities should contact the Atlanta Codes 522 4463 c. Compll·ance Off ,·ce - MODEL CITIES DIRECTOR - Johnny Johnson This Issue prepared by James Henley, AHA; Ed Billups, Al Wexler and John Sluss �