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U I}!} II !iJ If II It I I I:~ I U ()!/ II @17 , /j()/( I; 111 $ ' \ Mre Jack C• . Delius., Gener a l Hanager Atlanta City Pa.rks City Hall A..rmex Atlanta ., Georgia SUBJECT: Theatre of the Stars Building in Chastain _P ark. Dear Hr. Delius: As you are a\·lare both the 11 Theatre Under The Stars 11 arid the "Municipal Theatre" no longer ex:i.st~. In place of these. two theatres is the newly ·chart ered and duly organized 11 Theatre of the Stars, Inc. 11 ., which \·rill be the future sunmer and 1·linter. theatr0. The 1969 suniner shows will be held in the new Civic Auditorium, and the opening show will be on July 8, 19690 The n e~T 11 Theatre of the Stars" is presently old l-hmicipal Theatre building in Chastain Parko erected on Chastain Park property, under a le ase years with the City of Atlanta , which expired on Under the l ease agreement , it is renevrable 11 upon conditions as the Mayor may desire". operating out of the Tlri.s building was agreement of three (3) September 15, 1967. such t e r ms and · In order to c onstruct this building, a. note for $32,500000 was negotiated by the Municipal Theatre vtlth the Citizens and Southern National Banko Presently there is an tu:lpaid balance of $17,500.00-no payments, due to the d efun ct condition of the Municipal Theatre, have been made sin ce December, 1968. I am presently discussing this indebted....'1 oss ,,, it h the C. & s. Bank and w:i.J.l n.lso discuss 1t with the Board of Truste es of t he The a tre of the Stars at their May ffiee ting. Unless we can m..!'.l.intain the u sage of this b uilding it will be i mpos sibl e to pres ent th e 1969 summer shows. Will you therefor e discus s this w:i. th the proper city authorities and secure a l ea.se ex t ension? Thank you for your assistance. Yours v ery truly, THE THEATRE OF THE STARS, INC. ~~ ·/' . I . - ~ /_ / / R.ciA/t cc:: Jortri ~h:.11 Jr., F-res I • c . - • • - - . / • Rolancl Ba And ·rt o11 , General l-2.na3cr (

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