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ATLANTA HOUSING AUTHORITY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Description Project - - - --- ----- --- ---Neighborhood Deve lopment Progr~n Total Cost

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The acquisition of 445 housing units; clearance of 48 ac res; th e rehabilitation of 647 housing units. Also relocation of 431 families and 15 businesses with the goal of having 911 additional MJ:-.JA families living in adequ atel y serviced, s tandard , a f f o rd able ho~sing ~nits by the end of 19 69. $14, 706,000* ,

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The above amounts have been appropriated in our 1969 Budget. 2. The ne ces sary staff and equipment are available within the department to complete this work during the 1969 fiscal year. 3. Our sta ff has the capability of filing application for the required fed er al grants and co~pleting t he work r e quired in implementing these d u ring 1969.

Note :

Of this a mo u nt, $4,076,000 is to be furnished by the city in th e form of non cash grant in aids with $298,000 coming from HUD in the form of relocation grants and $10 ,3 32 , 000 coming f r o m HUD in the form of NDP credit. �