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..0 !). , . , . C /I ~ "1 ( D- EPARTM JAN 21 1969 NT OF H '. U SING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ............~ T R E E SEVEN 'd BUILDING, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323 >~~- .,...--" " _,..-- 645 \ Jan ry 16, 1969 REGION Ill otf'ice of the Regional Administrator IN REPLY REFER TO: Mr. Johnny C. Johnson Director City Demonstration Agency 673 Capitol Avenue Atlanta, Georgia ):) 315 De&r Mr. Johnson: Subject: Model Cities Program Following review by the Regional. Inter ency Coordinating COllllittee the Atlanta Comprehensive City Demonstrat i on Program (CCDP) has now been reviewed by the Washington Interag cy Committee, and, as indicated in our letter to Mayor Allen or January 14, 1969, the Departaent of Housing and Urban Development e.nno\.Dlced approval of the Atlanta Program on January 8, 1969. The folloving work items must be accomplish id, however, before a grant contract can be ottered by HUD: Submission ot your revised .bmget for program adm:Jn:Jstration (See rq letter dated December 26, 1968.) 1) 2) Submission ot your statement ot non-federal contribution ahow1Dg eligibility for the supplemental grant of t,,175,000. As you know, all. projects tor which the CM claims "base" must 'be aubmitted to lltl> in accordance with CJ». 17 and CDl '4-, Pa8e 16. Where they exist, you ray Yiah to submit project descriptions or a\Dll&l'i.ea thereof' i"rom exiating applications 3) Submiasion of a letter from the area CAMPS cOllllittee stating that the committee has renewed and approved the CCDP. I UDCl.erst&Dd this was accomplished on January 6 and a letter troa the CAMPS coad.ttee so stating will be sutticient. �In addition to the foregoing, I V&Dt to 8hare with you the tollovil:ig ccaaent• and receaaendatio • tl o:>DCerning varioua components ot your plan baaed 011. the W ah1ngton rev1 and on your cenversatiena on January 14 with Don Dodge, Area Deak ott1 1 r, and Tom W111181118 1 Atlanta Coordi.Dator: Beaident Involvement - I UDder• and that you diacwaaed with Maaara. Dodge and Williama project• ll-002B i BB-0031' aa veil u projects CD -OOlll Uld CD-Ol2B, all ot wbich are to be operated by the Atlanta Youth Co 11. It would be helpful 11' you vould upplelllnt the existing project deacriptiona with• short atataent deac tlting the Atlanta Youth Co\JDCil and 1Dd1eat1ng the relationahip among these tour project•. ~ ~or Job-training actirttiea, there vi need to be further cenaideratiOD ot taat part ot the project which c~>Dteaplates training tor aevi.Dg whine operator• aince it appears the Depu t ot Labor he.a turther queationa concerning the propoaal.. Mr. Willi will be in touch with you in the near future to arrange a meeting lfit~\ appropriate membera ot your •tatf' and the state and :federal agencies CO\ cerned. l(!plt>yment - With regard to Projec~~ D(-014:N which pl'CYidea J;collODlic Devel.opllent - One of the cone1erna noted during the Waabington review was that there appeared to be ntl link between the Development Corporation (!X::-OOJ.B) and the 01.ttreach ,Project (!C-OO)C). BoveTer, I UDderatalld. that the same sponsor 111 contemplated tor IX:-003C and tor the Si.ngl.e-Purpoae Develepn.e~t Corporation (IX:-0055) and that both project• rill work vith the financial pool to be C.! re&ted. under IC-001. I also UDderatand that you are aubmitting an a .lication for t 1mcUng to the Bconomic Dffelopaent Administration and that some change• 1n project descriptions and budget& may be necesaitat,"1 depending on the reault of this application. Bducation - As indic:ated during your meeti vi.th the Interagency Ceo~ting Comittee, a statement clar1ty11,g the cit:,•• 11&.iPt-enenc of effort in this cc.ponent should be submit in the near future. It would also be advill&bl.e to have letters :fra t.he Atlallta Board ot Education and the State Depe.rtment ot BducatiOn 11141catin8 renew azad · concurrence in your pl.an. I vould al.ao like t4I> reiterate the concern previeua~ expressed to you by the RICC that the program.a propoaed 1n this cm.ponent do not appear to provide the e.Aa to make the educational system more responsive to the felt need.a a.nd e.xpreaaecl rtew• ot reaic\enta. 'l'hie should be f'urtber conaidered by the CDA. t!or the purpose ot cleaigning remedial propoaala. With regard to Project 11)-0~•, I UD4erataacl this ia tor the purl)C)ae of assisting the CDl to nal.•te nev educatioD&l. programa to be illpl.emuted under the N04el Cit iea plan and ia not tor eT&l.m.tion of exiati.Dg programs. �Pag 3 Health - I understand that a non-profit corporation, entitled the Model Neighborhood Better Health Corporation bas recently been establishe~ composed of elected resident repr sentatives, repre entatives ot t be feur local medical and dental societies and three social service &1 encie which will be responsible for operating the major programs in thi s component. A short statement describing the corporation and its relationship to the local professional agencies would be helpful.. I would also sugge t that the corporation, if it is to be the pcr.llsoring agency for the proposed health facility, should be advised to ·begin discussion with the Atl.aota FHA Insuring otfice at the earlie~/t possible nt. Transportation - I understand that project TR-017N, entitled, Public Facilities Impact Evaluation will in fact be a consultant s 'clliy tor the p\ll'pO&e of developing specific transpci)rtation recouanendatic-,na and is not an evaluation of first year activities in this cmponent. Housing - With regard to project RR-005N, Housing Center, I understand that Messrs. Dodge and Williams discussed with you the 81A.visability ot seeking an appropriate sponsor in lieu of CDl operation of the project and that you are nov in the process of exploring thia nr&tter. I would urge your immediate attention to those items listed above which must be completed to enable us to move toward tendering of the grant agreement. Mr. Williams will, of course, be availabl~ for discussion should you have any questions on these matters. Sincerely yours, F,,. ' ( ';fj lf' ·, I

--r1, . ,' )

Earl H. Metzger, J r . Asaiatant Regional .AdmiDistrator tor Model Citiea �