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• . : ~ ... · - ·.J • EAGZ T·;·; o BRIEFI NG WORKSHO? LEF. . D2RS}~IP l. Ass i stinc the ~usiness sector I in develo~ina nractical . techni~ues a~d ~echanisms of expan~ing p rivate e~?lo~rnen t opportunitie3 for c e~tral city residents. 2. Er.. co urag·ing and 2.ssis·c. i ng the :;:,rivat:e sec-tor in develo::;,in-; specific communi ty-wi de progra2s anC:. resources ne c essary to make a.n "inpact on un e m;? loyment and 1.:.ndere:c::::,loy::r.e r. t. 3. Ir..creas ing· and broader:.i::."g 'c he in vol ve:-.1en-= an.d co::-,r1i t.--:ier;, t of business, l abor and c ivi l l eaders~i? ~n i ~?l e~enting the State:·L1e;,1 t of Princip les, Goals, anC:. Corr...--ni wne n ts of the Urban Coalition . J ..J .i.. The Ta sk Force is ta king t he ~allowing actions to i ~pleraent t h ese three goc.l.s: 1. . Maki ng field v isi::s to several com..,rnnities to assess current c onditions . 2. Working with loc al leader s i n laun c ~ i ng S?eci~~c nr ograms in three ci~ies: A~lanta , Ba lti~or e and 0a t r oit. 3. Planning for a na~iona conference c~ represent ~t ives ,,from at leat 50 local p riva te em;:)lo·,e:ntn tas!< :::orces / to exchange experie n ce and enlarge t ~e n~t:.ional efrort:.. 4. 5. Creating a Techn~c al ~o rking Group of key ?Srso~s fro~ personnel, lab or, educ at io ~ , ~r a i~~ng, c ivi c group~, a~d maapm12r res2arc;,1 . T:.1i s gro;_1p will !:>2. ava~la.ble · to ::-o t :: the Tas k Force at the national level and to local counter par t t as: forces . Inviting addition a l i nterested leaders ::re= busi~ess , lab o r , religion, educa ~i on, t ra i ni~g , c~v il rigits, and local gover ni...,_.,,en t to T_,m rk T,._;it:i.. t ne Tas:.C ?c :::-cs. Although t:i..e Ta s k Force is aldressi~g itse lf to ::;,robleis on t~e na ti onal level :v.u c h 0£ t:ie success of the progra.:-'.1. wi ~l d.2?e::.--_2. on t he c.e.veloprr.ent of local priva·::.e e:~plo y~e n t tas ;.c fo r ces 1 ar:.c. t ~e cotluni t ~en ts ~ade ~y the private s ector. Thus, t he discussio~ o~ private emp lo::,,ri1ent might well i:oc us o n o rga:1izi~:g t ~:.e p riv c.te sector for action o n t he local level. ' The l ocal tas k. forces s :-iould consist of h i 9·:-i-l evel lea2.2rsL:.:_:i fro:n a cross section of t h~ priva t 2· sector a~d have sufficient raso~rces, includi:1g staff, to devel o? a :id i r11.:9 le::-.ent prog·ra~s. The tas::.C :::orce should :: unctio :1 as a vmrk i ng c c::cL--.:1i·t tee, al t. ':·wugi:1 t:.£"1e ac tual du ties may be assigned to sta ff personnel and specialists. �,l p_-;.GE ':i:'n~::: 3~I:2:5'I!\""G ,i:.~::;~.:o 1·: oR:.;:sn:02 L:2Jl_;J:2RSHIP Sin c e ec:c~.!. cor...:~l:ni-c.y nc.y ~l>lis l: to. a:)"')r·oach ·ct1e 2ro;)l e:-:i. c:i £:.:"er2:1tl:-i, ap?r O?riate infor~a tion should be daveloped to assist t ~e tas~ for c e on p r iorities and progra~s . A p~ogram of acticrr for a local ta s k force c ould be as follows : co:r;:_-,m r:i ty . 2. ~n inven to r y o f manpower ?rogra~s in o~aration . 4. Continous e v aluation ~ ~d re?orting ot the p r ogress a~d problems in t h e co:":l!~unity . · HOUSH!G III. 'I'r1e. urban Coalition has t vm Task Forces i n t :1.e hous i:r-.:~:i and reco:::-istruction area . The rt.econ struction Ta s:.::. Forc2 is cu:!:"re.:, tl v 0.2.v elo:?i:'lS a lo~g·- 2:" 2.n g e ;>ro g r c.ill aimed. at i r1c:c- e a s 2-ng i !'lvcst::-:1e.r1t .-- ~: c e:-.~e::- -c 2..t.y are.as a::.d. a t expanding housing· a v a ila ble fo!:' lo,:12:::- ,,2..r:.co::-:12 f c..::-.i.il i es . The. 3qual Oppbrtunities in Rous i ng Task Fo:::-ce is work i ~g out a ?rogran ~·1 it~ local fa i .~ nous ing· c o!T'ICLittees a::d. -..ri_ th k.ey e2.e::ne:::ts L,. t2e · real estate, develop:::i.ent a~d :nortgage i n stitutions . I V. PC3LIC SUPPORT T::.e T a si-: Force or1 Coz-,nunic a tions 2.1c.d Pt::O l i c Su9::_:::>or"!: 2..s cur rE:::-stly -,.-'-:ng o -,.,__ - ? -, o S·, am -i--nea- al... .,_ -l ~-·· ---·.-,c',i "' __ : o,-,-" ~,::u c a .:..,__o .; __ __ , l.:.L.. a. .,_ c._,u ,.,_s- a.- __n a .,\....J... <- C. -'--n·.-,::,i ,-·, -' ', ,o,-gr: ·c'


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- LC a ..:.... L. -- / _ -_ effo:::::-ts c:.re. being lur-.c he.d wit:1.. key el e::r..ei1ts of t:-:.e :::i.ass :r..e.c. ::..a a ir.1ed. at e...-:i.?nasizins teh nc..t·.: . r e. o f t :-:..e. urba.~-:. cr.:.s i s . i:.,ocal cmi::-~te.:: : - ':)a :::-t task forc es c a n g r eat ly assi s t t h is ef for t a~~ s~o u l d 1 if ?O ss i b~e , dire c t~y and ?er sona lly invo l ve r 2p:: : - e sentativ e.s of t hs ~ass ~ e.dia o n a -loca l b asis . ',\1 0. _ _...,. .,__ _ J. _ V. C'-<. ,!. _ _ L,.__ ._~.._ _.:,_ I:""!. .J.... L,. ..,!_ ....,; ..!,_! - .:. ... ..!...- • .:.- LOC~~ COALITIO~S See 0iscussio~ Paper and Guid el ines for Local Coali tio n s ~..!._ �I / VI . D:i:SC "JS S I O:-J -P 20C:SDURES ar e ex"""e c ··-<n cr - :_,:..,:-o"i -,1a;-, ., 0 0 -,-, - -,,L.-i·ci ·o c._ - n··-s a~..,,..-,

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_ 7 ·n ,:, ~c,c ~,,-,. T ,· --cr .;=a.,... .;._ c • ·.7-,.,..Q j . :_ ~ l ~- . . _ __ L. -lC. v._ _, --' C~ .:t. -"..,_ , , c.., _ o rgan-i z i ng l oc 2. l c cal i t. i o n a.c-c.i vit.ie s . The par-ti c i)a.n.-!:.s '::.:.. 2.1 be divided i nto fi ve wo rksho p g r oups . Ea c h di s c us sio n grou? will have a c hairman an~ fo ur resource co n s ul tan ts . It is e x;e c~ed t~a t each d i scussion group will add r e ss i t. self to t.wo top ics i ~ t h e ~ or 7 i ~: wor~ s~O? S (t he review of t he nat io na l legislat i ve pi cture a ff e ct.:..~g c i t ies and a revi ew o f O??Ortun itie s fo r a nd me t.hots o ~ e x ? a nd i ~g 9ri va te enployZ::1 2:1t) 2.nd t ,,10 to·::,i c s i n t l"1e a f te r n c ct1 0 '.ou s i :~s and r e c ons tru c ti o n p~oble~s ana w2.y s o f d evel op ing pu~li c s uppo rt a n d loc al c o alition s). r".\ .; \,,.,,


~ - Q.J J _ "._J L. 1..... _ _ , ...IC\. .... _",,. _ _ _ • _ _ -~ - -1- - l,.. l .:. ,L L. - ~ Th e~e a ra o nlv t wo key co~c s ~n s ~hat t he Nat i o na l Stee~ing Co~~ittee now ·has con c ern ing local coali t ion s . On e is t~a t ~e e x?ect t he~ to t a k e d if f erent fern s bec a use of l o c al c onai tions a ~~ t h e o tie r i s that we exp e ct t hei r g ov s ~n i ng board s to be r epresentat i ve , i:r:c :..udin.g t he e l e:ne:-_t.s ~epre s2::1.ted on t:t.1.e N2..tio r12..J.. s ·tcsr i ::1s Cc ~:c.:.. tt.::e (b u s i ne ss, lab or , loca l g over::::.,,uent, re lig i o n , civil rig~ts and e ~uc ation ). Ou r o ffici a l v i ew is t ~a t we e x o e ct l o c a l c oa l i~ i ons to inc l ude lea der s hip f r o~ t he gie t to s and barrio s . Two r e?r esentative 3 from loc a l c oalition ~ wi ll be elec ted t o s e ~ve o ~ t h a Ste e r i:'!g Coi1ini ttee b y a Cou n c il o f Ur jan Co a litions to ;:;a ::or:::1ea l a t e r t:.1i s year . Loca l c oal i t i ons, loc a l t ask f orc 2s and s p e cia l ? r o j ec~s S? O~so r ed b y the n ation a l task for c es wi l~ ? roviae f ull o p?ortun i ~y fo r t ~e p a rti ci?a tion of inte r e sted cit i z e ns in ach i evi ~g t ~e s o al 3 of t h e Coa 2. 2.t.ion . T11e posture o f · ti12 S t e 2ri:.1.g Corr~i ·i:.t~c is t:12.t ~·ie -:.-i2l - cc:-.;_ 2 SU?:?O:Ct f o r t:1e St a te~:e nt o f Pri nc ip l es, Go 2 l s , 2::1C: Co:-.::'.1i t .-.e :-. ts and ~e ex9ec t local c oal i t i o n s t o expand o n t h ese ?ri~c i?les t hrous~ local ef f o r t s an d i n c orr s ultation wit~ the Natio n a - St 2e r i~g Cori-ni t ·cee tnroug h t h e Counci l o f Urban Coalit.ior: s . ':':-is •,.10rksho-;::, c hairmen ar:.d r esource co nsul t a.:-:-::s s I::oulc. s trc:.s s -::r.e i 3 ?0rtanc e of no~ilizing nationa l sup? o rt f o r a gre2.te= al~oc a t i o n o f ):)0th pu:Ol ic and private r e sou!:'ces to deal ,_.,-i ·c~1 the ·:'.Jro ble~s o ~ t~e c en t er-cities . The resour c e -peo~ 1,, - le bear a n ea;ecia: ~ ~'!e a vy res~::,ons ibi l i ty- -to L1tet:9ret t::-_e e r:o rr.1 it y ar:.c. c o:::? l ex .:_ty o~ this un c.artaki ng . · Stress mu s t be placed o~ the fa c t t ~a~ Co~;rass is cur rently n ot responding t o t ~e need as tl _e Coaliti on sees it . 0 ~;4-1,\T'h i l a ,..._~CO'U..,..acr --i_ si_ on o.c P.,...l· ": _.!.. ' _re -,:::c::~ ~_.__.:_._._ 1.:.::-;j i··,-. ,. . . .LL.;-.- e x,-,-=., _ _ vC. -'-e L. _,L:._ 1.... ..Lc ~ L. -ivc , s-L be ~laced o n the critical .:..~2orta~c2 o f ~u~lic no licv , eq~al o~~o=tunity and federal dollars . ~ ' 'l: - i - ..:...'- c;._.1. - .L.!.'::; __ ,:::. - ,;_ ..... .!... .:_ ..t... �· B~I~ ? I ~\:G ~-·-·~O im.RI(S EO:? I.,:2J:i.u~J.SEI? A sense of urgen c y nust be ma i nt~ined a t tlie s~22 t ine t~2t reco:~ition is give~ t o t he ~ifficult i es an{ ~ 2g~tive s i~ t ~s presen t n2tio ial cliuate . I~ nust te ma~2 c: aar t~2t t~2 National s·ce ering· Co:-~~-1ittee e:-<is t.s pri~a 2:'ily to a_ssi.st. locc.l c o~-~A~~-:i.l~-: i·::i::!s to ~o~iliz a p~jl ic o pi~ion an5 p~~lic sup?o rt fo~ Ccng=essic~al ~c +-i'o c. \,.., -·,1· 0··1 .1. .;.<1e L-- 0 0"' .. _c n

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c:. 'ce ~oth the national a n 6 local levels on the c~~er . \ ·_ ,:-, - ·;-_ .. ... _i-L.'_"c. - .; "c:: v - o.-,_ �