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May 2, 1969 Mr . J. Forrest Gee Purchasing Agent City of Atlant City Hall Atlant~ , Georgia 30303 Dear Forrest: Thank you very much for your letter of April 30, 1969 regarding the fire at er er on Park and y memorandum of A ril 24. As previously stated, we are extremely an..~ious to get back into operation at Per~ rson Park at the earliest p:,ssible date and it has been determined that it would not be practic l for the limited number of car nters in this department to undert ke the rep ir, Becau e of the time element in bidding, prep ration of oo.nt.rects, etc. , I ' m afraid th eummer • uld be ov r; before subst ntial repairs had been mad. were delight _ when informe by the insur nee c rrier th t they would prefer to follow the policy curr ntly used by the Atlanta School s yst in permitting the inpur n ca~rier to bring in t ir own bonded cont,:aotor to do the rk. Accordingly , I discussed this matter with llrJ Chairman, s ell with. Mr . Charl s vis and Mr. Earl Landers . 11 o,f thes gentlemen gJ;e d tbat the most practical thing to do is to allow the insur nc comp ny to engag oontr ctor . It did not occur to me that thi-, propos arr ng ent ·w ould have to be cleared by the Purchasing Commi.ttee ince City funds w re really not inVQlv d. Accordingly , with th pprov l of my COroroitte , I authorized ccur te Con.atruction ·Company to stei-t WQrk on Perkerson Recreation building Tuesday, My 6, 1969. A Mr. 1th; of Accur te Con t..r:uction Comp n.y, Monday th c rtif1c t t l phon 523-1986, w1i1 upply insqranc protecting th City of Atl nt during tb r .ir Thus, it lf. y 5th Bo rd of Aldel:me rizin th City to llow it ng priv t , con truct1-on fim. I bo our ction is within th spirit. nd int nt of otion 31.-37 of the City Cod, nd Ip rticul rly ppr ci your c lll it provision to my t t ntion. .-U �Mr-. J. For rest Gee May 2, 1969 - 2 - Finally, we have entered a cla im for fire loss on the contents of the building and there will be many do zens of items we will have to requi sition f or repl acement purposes on an emer gency basis. Sincerely , J a ck c. Delius Ge neral nager of Parks and Recreation u J CD; j w cc: Mr . R. Earl Landers , Mayor ' s ()ffice ~ Mr. Thomas F . Choyce, Associate City Attorrey Honorable Char l ie Left wich Mr. Pi erce i t ley , Assistant General Man· ger o f . arks Mr . St anley T. Martin , ssi st an Gen r al Mana er of Parks Miss Virgi nia Carmio ael, Dire ctor of Recreation Mrs. Mary s e Liady , Communi t y Ce nte r Director �